Implementarea inovaţiilor în afaceri în Republica Moldova
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Calea inovaţională de dezvoltare pentru Republica Moldova în prezent este unica cale posibilă pentru creşterea competitivităţii afacerilor şi implicit a economiei. Însă, pentru ca această cale să fie eficientă şi de succes este necesară crearea condiţiilor favorabile pentru dezvoltarea activităţii inovaţionale. În articol au fost descrise principalele tipuri de inovaţii, reflectate percepţiile antreprenorilor din Republica Moldova faţă de
implementarea inovaţiilor în afacerile lor, identificate în baza chestionarilor, s-au analizat unii indicatori, care ne permit măsurarea unor dimensiuni ale inovaţiei din ţară şi unele bariere, care actualmente stau în calea elaborării şi implementării inovaţiilor.
At present, the innovational path of development for the Republic of Moldova is the only way possible for increasing the business competitiveness as well as the economy. But, for this path to be effective and successful it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the development of innovational activity. In the article have been described the main types of innovations, reflected the entrepreneurs’ perceptions of Republic of Moldova to the implementation of innovations in their own businesses, identified on the basis of questionnaires, some indicators were analyzed, that allow us the measuring of some dimensions of the innovation in the country and some barriers, that currently stand in the way of drawing up and implementing innovation.
At present, the innovational path of development for the Republic of Moldova is the only way possible for increasing the business competitiveness as well as the economy. But, for this path to be effective and successful it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the development of innovational activity. In the article have been described the main types of innovations, reflected the entrepreneurs’ perceptions of Republic of Moldova to the implementation of innovations in their own businesses, identified on the basis of questionnaires, some indicators were analyzed, that allow us the measuring of some dimensions of the innovation in the country and some barriers, that currently stand in the way of drawing up and implementing innovation.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 184 (9 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl.
JEL Classification: O30,O31, O39, P42, P47, Q55.
inovatie, intreprinderi mici si mijlocii, parcuri stiințifico-tehnologice, incubator de inovare, innovations, small and medium enterprises, scientific-technological park, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova
MAIER, Lidia. Implementarea inovaţiilor în afaceri în Republica Moldova = The implementation of innovations in business in the Republic of Moldova. In: Economie şi Sociologie = Economy and Sociology. 2014, nr. 3, pp. 172-184. ISSN 1857-4130.