Analiza competitivităţii economice a Republicii Moldova din perspectiva componenţei: ştiinţă, tehnologie şi inovaţii
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O condiţie importantă pentru realizarea unei creşteri economice durabile şi pentru îmbunătăţirea standardelor de
viaţa ale populaţiei Republicii Moldova consta în implicarea mai activă a economiei naţionale în schimbul internaţional de bunuri, servicii, cunoştinţe, tehnologii etc., precum şi consolidarea poziţiilor sale pe piaţa internaţionala. Astfel, asigurarea şi menţinerea competitivităţii a devenit o problemă fundamentală a politicilor economice în condiţiile globalizării. În lumea contemporană, competitivitatea economiei naţionale este determinată de o largă varietate de caracteristici şi factori determinanţi. În prezentul articol, atenţia autorilor va fi axata pe componenta ştiinţă, tehnologie şi inovaţii, ca fiind unul dintre instrumentele cheie în viitorul modern al oricărui stat contemporan.
An important condition for achieving a sustainable economic growth and for improving living standards of the population of the Republic of Moldova is the active involvement of the national economy in the international exchange of goods, services, knowledge, technology, etc., and also strengthening its positions on the international market. Therefore, to achieve and maintain competitiveness has become a fundamental economic policies issue in the context of globalization. In the contemporary world, national economic competitiveness is determined by a wide variety of features and important factors. In this article, the authors will focus their attention on the part of science, technology and innovation as being one of the key tools in the modern future of any modern state.
An important condition for achieving a sustainable economic growth and for improving living standards of the population of the Republic of Moldova is the active involvement of the national economy in the international exchange of goods, services, knowledge, technology, etc., and also strengthening its positions on the international market. Therefore, to achieve and maintain competitiveness has become a fundamental economic policies issue in the context of globalization. In the contemporary world, national economic competitiveness is determined by a wide variety of features and important factors. In this article, the authors will focus their attention on the part of science, technology and innovation as being one of the key tools in the modern future of any modern state.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 65 (15 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. JEL Classification: D8, D41, F59, O3, O31.
competitivitate economica, inovatii, stiinta, schimb international, piata internationala, economic competitiveness, technology, innovations, international trade, international market, tehnologie, Republica Moldova, economie nationala
BIRCA, Iulita, NEGRU, Ecaterina, GRIBINCEA, Alexandru. Analiza competitivităţii economice a Republicii Moldova din perspectiva componenţei: ştiinţă, tehnologie şi inovaţii = Economic competitiveness analysis of the Republic of Moldova in terms of : science, technology and innovation. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2014, nr. 2, pp. 60-65. ISSN 1857-4130.