Ordonarea şi ierarhizarea competitivităţii economice din punct de vedere logico-ştiinţific
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În acest articol autorul continuă investigarea altor câteva dintre cele mai frecvente tratări teoretico-metodologice ale definiţiilor, esenţei, conţinutului, fenomenului, tipurilor şi caracteristicilor competitivităţii economice, în încercarea de a le ierarhiza şi ordona din punct de vedere logico-ştiinţific.
In the article, the author continues to investigatesome of the most common theoretical and methodological treatment of definitions, essence, contents, phenomenon, types and characteristics of economic competitiveness in an attempt to make an hierarchization and to order them from logical and scientific terms.
In the article, the author continues to investigatesome of the most common theoretical and methodological treatment of definitions, essence, contents, phenomenon, types and characteristics of economic competitiveness in an attempt to make an hierarchization and to order them from logical and scientific terms.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 78 (5 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. JEL Classification: F10, F15, F37, F4, F43
competitivitate, competitivitate economica, competitivitate nationala, competitivitate teritoriala, competitivitate ramurala, competitivitatea firmei, competitivitatea statului, economic competitiveness, national competitiveness, competitiveness of the state, territorial competitiveness, branch competitiveness, firm’s competitiveness
MACARI, Vadim. Ordonarea şi ierarhizarea competitivităţii economice din punct de vedere logico-ştiinţific = Ordering and hierarchization of economic competitiveness from logical and scientific terms. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2014, nr. 1, pp. 73-78. ISSN 1857-4130.