Comerțul exterior, competitivitatea și creșterea economiei Republicii Moldova
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Trade flows of the Republic of Moldova, and the comparative advantages in the division of goods represent the research objectives of this article. The main purpose is to identify those goods and groups of commodities whose specialization in manufacturing would ensure sustainable economic growth. Research has shown that the structure of exports is dominated by primary products with extremely low added value and goods that are made from clients' materials. In order to ensure economic growth, the state should focus on the development of the following branches of the manufacturing industry: agro-food industry, light industry and industry of construction materials.
Referinţe bibliografice: p. 478 (10 titl.).
foreign trade, indexes of comparative advantage, competitiveness of goods, advantage, disadvantage, economic growth, Republic of Moldova
GUTIUM, Tatiana. Comerțul exterior, competitivitatea și creșterea economiei Republicii Moldova. In : Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „Necessity of new Economic-Social Paradigms in the current globalization Context”: international symposium, 4th edition, 23rd - 24th, May, 2019. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2019, pp. 467-478. ISBN 978-606-8716-44 -2.