Evaluarea nivelului şi structurii consumului de produse alimentare al populaţiei Republicii Moldova
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Actualitatea acestui articol este condiţionată de faptul că în prezent în Republica Moldova se examinează posibilitatea de oferire a ajutorului social familiilor celor mai nevoiaşe prin acordarea acestora taloane pentru produse alimentare. Pentru a justifica volumuri şi mecanisme de acordare a ajutorului alimentar este necesar de a dispune de date, ce caracterizează situaţia privind consumul de produse alimentare al populaţiei. Scopul articolului constă în evaluarea nivelului şi structurii consumului de produse alimentare a membrilor gospodăriilor casnice în dependenţă de tipul, locul amplasării şi bunăstarea lor. În studiu au fost utilizate următoarele metode: monografică, analogiilor, comparaţia, statistică ş.a. Rezultatele studiului au arătat, că cele mai vulnerabile sunt gospodăriile casnice cu copii, în special familiile cu mulţi copii. Severitatea cea mai mare a problemei de alimentare este caracteristică familiilor mai puţin asigurate cu mulţi copii din I-a grupă quintilică. Consumul majorităţii produselor alimentare la aceste familii nu doar că rămâne în urma nivelului mediu, ci este mai mic decât normele minime, incluse în coşul alimentar al minimul de existenţă.
The actuality of this paper is determined by the fact that at present in the Republic of Moldova the possibility of offering social assistance to the neediest families is being examined by giving them food stamps. In order to justify the volumes and the mechanisms of food aid it is necessary to have data, which characterizes the situation regarding the food consumption of population. The purpose of the paper is to assess the level and structure of food consumption of household members according to their type, location and welfare. In the research were used the following methods: monographic, analogy method, comparisons, statistical method etc. The results of the study showed that the most vulnerable are households with children, especially families with many children. The greatest severity of the food problem is characteristic of disadvantaged families with many children from the first quintile group. Consumption of most food in these families not only stays behind the average level, but is lower than the minimum standards, included in subsistence minimum food basket.
The actuality of this paper is determined by the fact that at present in the Republic of Moldova the possibility of offering social assistance to the neediest families is being examined by giving them food stamps. In order to justify the volumes and the mechanisms of food aid it is necessary to have data, which characterizes the situation regarding the food consumption of population. The purpose of the paper is to assess the level and structure of food consumption of household members according to their type, location and welfare. In the research were used the following methods: monographic, analogy method, comparisons, statistical method etc. The results of the study showed that the most vulnerable are households with children, especially families with many children. The greatest severity of the food problem is characteristic of disadvantaged families with many children from the first quintile group. Consumption of most food in these families not only stays behind the average level, but is lower than the minimum standards, included in subsistence minimum food basket.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 256 (9 titl.). JEL Classification: I3, L66, Q18, R2.
consumul de produse alimentare, CBGC (Cerectarea Bugetelor Gospodăriilor Casnice), gospodarii casnice, familii cu multi copii, cheltuieli medii de consum pentru o persoana, cosul alimentar al minimului de existenţa, grupe quintilice, food consumption, HBS (Household Budget Survey), households with children, families with many children, average monthly consumption per person, subsistence minimum food basket, quintile groups, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova
ROJCO, Anatolii, IVANOV, Svetlana, STREMENOVSCAIA, Zoia. Evaluarea nivelului şi structurii consumului de produse alimentare al populaţiei Republicii Moldova. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: modele de dezvoltare durabilă = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: sustainable development models: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ed. a 12-a, 12-13 octombrie 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2017, vol. 2, pp. 247-256. ISBN 978-9975-3171-2-2.