Practical considerations regarding the treasury budget of the enterprise
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The treasury budget belongs to the category of the company's synthesis budgets and it represents a tool for financial planning in the financial management system of cash and the financial control that illustrates the inflows and outflows. According to the legal regulations, the treasury budget of the enterprise is a compulsory budget that must be periodically drawn, respectively at financial year level, quarters, decades, semi decade, days, which reflects the accumulation and decrease of cash. Treasury budget is a management tool for forecasting. Cash management efficiency entails increasing of the receivables speed, performing payments at maturity date, in consequence the synchronization of cash flows.
Text: lb. engl. Abstract: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice: p. 50 (4 titl.). JEL classification: G21.
treasury budget, cash flow, cash accumulation, cash decreases, financial planning, financial control
ŢÎRLEA, Mariana Rodica, TIMUŞ, Angela. Practical considerations regarding the treasury budget of the enterprise. In: Knowledge Horizons - Economics. 2015, volume 7, no. 4, pp. 47-50. P-ISSN 2069-09326; E-ISSN 2066-1061.