Insolvabilitatea întreprinderii: implicaţii economice şi juridice
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Crizele economico-financiare atestate în ultimii ani a determinat multe întreprinderi să se confrunte cu probleme de
insolvenţă dar şi faliment. Falimentul reprezintă o procedura aplicată debitorului în vederea lichidării patrimoniului
acestuia pentru satisfacerea creanţelor creditorilor, urmată de radierea debitorului, deci a întreprinderii.
Due to the economic-financial crises registered in the last years, many enterprises faced both, insolvency and bankruptcy issues. Bankruptcy is a procedure applied to the debtor in order to dissolve his/her assets, to meet the claims of the lender, followed by the dissolution of the debtor, therefore, of the company.
Due to the economic-financial crises registered in the last years, many enterprises faced both, insolvency and bankruptcy issues. Bankruptcy is a procedure applied to the debtor in order to dissolve his/her assets, to meet the claims of the lender, followed by the dissolution of the debtor, therefore, of the company.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 25 (2 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl.
JEL Classification: G3, G33, G00, H62, H69.
insolvabilitate, intreprindere, creante, creditor, debitor, administrator, restructurare, faliment, creante chirografare, , creante garantate, insolvency, receivables, lender, debtor, restructuring, simplified bankruptcy, secured receivables, unsecured receivables, bankruptcy
BOTNARI, Nadejda, TIMUŞ, Angela, BOTNARI, Veaceslav. Insolvabilitatea întreprinderii: implicaţii economice şi juridice = Enterprise insolvency: economic and legal implication. In: Economie şi Sociologie = Economy and Sociology. 2014, nr. 4, pp. 16-25. ISSN 1857-4130.