Caracteristica procesului de instituire a responsabilităţii sociale a mediului de afaceri în Republica Moldova
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Complexul Editorial, IEFS
Lucrarea descrie principalele caracteristici ale procesului de instituire a responsabilităţii sociale a mediului de afaceri în Republica Moldova: scoate în evidenţa premisele pentru dezvoltarea responsabilităţii sociale la întreprinderi; defineşte factorii cheie, care influenţează asupra împlementării pe larg a conceptului de responsabilitate socială în cadrul întreprinderilor; propune clasificarea întreprinderilor în funcţie de cauzele principale, care au contribuit la desfasurarea acţiunilor de responsabilitate socială; examinează măsurile de susţinere de stat a responsabilităţii sociale a întreprinderilor.
In the article, the main traits of the process of the social responsibility’s formation in the business area of the Republic of Moldova have been described: the premises for business social responsibility’s development have been distinguished; the key factors influencing the implementation in detail the concept of social responsibility in enterprises have been defined; the classification of enterprises depending on principal causes that contributed to the development of socially responsible actions has been suggested; the measures of the state support of enterprises’ social responsibility have been examined.
In the article, the main traits of the process of the social responsibility’s formation in the business area of the Republic of Moldova have been described: the premises for business social responsibility’s development have been distinguished; the key factors influencing the implementation in detail the concept of social responsibility in enterprises have been defined; the classification of enterprises depending on principal causes that contributed to the development of socially responsible actions has been suggested; the measures of the state support of enterprises’ social responsibility have been examined.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 106 (7 titl.). Text paralel: lb. rom., engl. Recenzent: Natalia PERCINSCHI, dr., IEFS.
intreprindere, responsabilitatea sociala, Reteaua Pactul Global, mediul de afaceri, social responsibility, Global Compact Network, business area, enterprises
VINOGRADOVA, Natalia, MAIER, Lidia (2013). Caracteristica procesului de instituire a responsabilităţii sociale a mediului de afaceri în Republica Moldova = Description of the process of formation of social responsibility in business area of the Republic of Moldova. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2013, nr. 1. pp. 100-106. Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 106(7 titl.). Text paralel: lb. rom., engl. ISSN 1857-4130.