The assessment of the development phases of transnational corporations

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The present study is focused on the analysis of the particularities of the development of the transnational corporations starting with their appearance, which from the historical point of view has passed through several phases. Generalizing the scientific literature study that has been done, was identified the consecutiveness development of the transnational corporations in five major phases. Thus, all large companies are treated as international companies, because by increasing the liberalization of international economic relations is triggered the process of opening the global market and international division of labour. Along with financial capital and technology, TNC transfer through the entrepreneurial capital of the receiver economy and managerial-organizational skills, influencing the competitiveness of firms and the economic performance of host countries.
Prezentul studiu este axat pe analiza particularităţilor de dezvoltare a corporaţiilor transnaţionale începând cu apariţia acestora, care din punct de vedere istoric, a trecut prin mai multe faze. Generalizând studiul literaturii de specialitate efectuate, a fost identificată consecutivitatea dezvoltării corporaţiilor transnaţionale în cinci mari faze. Astăzi, toate companiile mari sunt tratate ca şi companii internaţionale, deoarece prin cresterea liberalizării relaţiilor economice internaţionale, se declanşează procesul deschiderii pieţei globale şi a diviziunii internaţionale a muncii. Alături de capitalul financiar şi tehnologie, corporaţiile transnaţionale transferă economiei receptoare prin intermediul capitalului antreprenorial şi competentele sale managerial-organizaţionale, astfel influenţând hotărâtor competitivitatea firmelor şi performanţa economică a ţărilor-gazda.
Это исследование базируется на анализе особенностей развития транснациональных корпораций, начиная с их появления - с исторической точки зрения и прошедших через несколько этапов. При обобщении литературного анализа, была определена последовательность пяти основных этапах развития транснациональных корпораций. В настоящий момент все крупные компании рассматриваются и как международные компании, так как при дальнейшей либерализации международных экономических отношений срабатывает процесс открытия глобального рынка и международного разделения труда. Наряду с финансовым и технологическим капиталом, транснациональные корпорации переводят приемной экономике и предпринимательский капитал, тем самым влияя на конкурентоспособность фирм и экономический показателей стран пребывания.


Abstract în lb. engl., rom., rusă. Bibliogr.: p. 162 (6 titl.). JEL Classification: D2; D40; D45; F14; F30; F5; F6.


transnationalizare, corporatii transnationale, companii internationale, competitivitatea firmei, transnationalization, transnational corporations, international companies, competitiveness of the firm, транснационализация, транснациональные корпорации, международные компании, конкурентоспособность фирм


ŞARCO, Alexandru. The assessment of the development phases of transnational corporations. In: Economie şi Sociologie = Economy and Sociology. 2015, nr. 2, pp. 158-162. ISSN 1857-4130.




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