Instability of production of agricultural products: Assessment and analysis features

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Matica srpska


The article highlights the presence of unfavourable climatic conditions in the agricultural production of the Republic of Moldova, which adversely affect the results of crop cultivation and the economic sustainability of enterprises. As a rule, the variation indicators are not taken into account and evaluated when calculating the efficiency of crops production and sales, and accordingly, the potential values of land use efficiency in the industry are not correctly predicted. In this regard, the aim of the study is to develop methodo-logical approaches to assess the stability of production and to justify some fea-tures of calculating potential indicators of production and sales of crops. The article shows the dynamics of yield of leading crops over the past 16 years and estimates the instability of production. For this purpose formulas are proposed, with the help of which the level of sustainability of enterprises can be predicted. The suggested interrelationships are vividly presented on graphs. The proposed approaches will allow specialists of enterprises to calculate the financial safety margin and the risk zone for each crop, to predict economic development using, above all, the moving average indicators.


Bibliogr.: pp. 817-818(15 titl.). UDC 631:551.5(478).


agricultural products, crop yield, stability, unfavourable climatic conditions, financial safety margin, operating leverage


PARMACLI, Dmitrii, IANIOGLO, Alina.Instability of production of agricultural products: Assessment and analysis features. In: Zbornik Matice srpske za drustvene nauke. 2018, no. 168 (4), pp. 803-819. ISSN 0352-5732.
