Bariere de incluziune socială a persoanelor cu dizabilități
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One of the most pressing issues today is the integration of people with
disabilities into society. Forming the conditions for their development, their
comfortable conduct, interaction with other people and the world around
them, as well as the manifestation of its human potential. The purpose of this
article is to analyze the international experience regarding the social
inclusion of people with disabilities. Due to the study of the experience of
other countries, the author will prepare a set of current proposals for the
Republic of Moldova. This study has been supported by the State Program
20.80009.0807.29 “Improving the application mechanisms of the innovative
instruments oriented towards the sustainable growth of the well-being of
population of the Republic of Moldova.”
Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 482-483 (11 titl.). JEL Classification: I14, I38.
inequalitie, international experience, inclusion, people with disabilities, incluziune sociala, persoane cu dizabilitati
GUTIUM, Mircea. Bariere de incluziune socială a persoanelor cu dizabilități. In : Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges “Implications of the social-economic and ecological Paradigm on the power reports and global Governance”: international symposium, 9 th edition, 15th -16th December, 2021. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2021, pp. 475-483. ISBN 978-606-8716-62-6.