Dezvoltarea e-turismului şi perspectivele lui
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Turismul electronic, altfel numit e-turism, înseamnă activităţile din sectorul turismului prin Internet. „Este din ce în ce mai reductor a vorbi astăzi de e-turism, în asemenea măsură turismul şi noile tehnologii sunt consacrate inexorabil a se îndrepta totalmente spre un turism numeric şi conectat” [1]. Pentru utilizatori (persoanele care au drept de folosinţă), e-turismul oferă mijloace de pregătire, de organizare şi de rezervare a acestor călătorii via Internet: identificarea destinaţiei, achiziţionarea transportului, elaborarea itinerarului, rezervarea cazării, schimb de informaţii cu alţi internanţi.
The electronic tourism, otherwise called e-tourism, means tourism sector activities through the Internet. "It is increasingly geared to speak today of e-tourism, such as tourism and new technologies are devoted entirely to move inexorably towards a digital and connected tourism " [1]. For users (people who have the right of use), e-tourism provides a means of preparation, organization and booking of these trips via Internet: identify the destination, purchase transport, itinerary development, the booking, exchange of information with other internal [2].
The electronic tourism, otherwise called e-tourism, means tourism sector activities through the Internet. "It is increasingly geared to speak today of e-tourism, such as tourism and new technologies are devoted entirely to move inexorably towards a digital and connected tourism " [1]. For users (people who have the right of use), e-tourism provides a means of preparation, organization and booking of these trips via Internet: identify the destination, purchase transport, itinerary development, the booking, exchange of information with other internal [2].
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 44 (26 titl.). JEL Classification: L83, L86, L89. CZU: 338.48:004.
Internet, accommodation, new technology, travel, turismul electronic, cazare, tehnologii noi, calatorie, e-tourism
GRIBINCEA, Alexandru, BIRCA, Iulita, DANILIUC, Aliona. Dezvoltarea e-turismului şi perspectivele lui. In: Analele Institutului Naţional de Cercetări Economice. 2014, nr. 2, pp. 40-44. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.