Support measures for families with many children in Baltic countries and Republic of Moldova
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În această lucrare sunt prezentate practici din diferite țări legate de politicile de susţinere a familiilor cu mulți copii. Actualitatea acestui subiect de cercetare se datorează faptului că, chiar și în lumea de astăzi, familiile cu mulți copii se confruntă deseori cu veniturile mici, discriminarea și alte dificultăți sociale și economice, chiar dacă s-ar putea crede că acestea sunt lucruri din trecut. Scopul lucrării constă în identificarea politicilor și mecanismelor actuale care sprijină familiile cu mulți copii în ţările Baltice şi în Moldova și prezintă o opinie bazată pe diferenţele dintre aceste măsuri utilizate către aceste familii. În această lucrare s-au folosit ca metode de cercetare analiza legală și comparaţia. Rezultatele lucrării constau în identificarea și analiza practicilor internaționale în sprijinirea familiilor cu mulți copii și încercarea de propunere a unor schimbări în ceea ce priveşte problemele acestor familii.
In this paper practices from different countries related to support policies for families with many children are presented. The actuality of this research topic stems from the fact that, even in today’s world, the families with many children often struggle with low income, discrimination and other social and economic difficulties even if one might think these are a thing of the past. The purpose of the paper consists in the identification of current policies and mechanisms that support families with many children in Baltic countries and in Moldova and present an opinion based on the differences in the measures used towards these families. In this paper were used as research methods the legal analysis and comparison. The results of the paper consist in identification and analysis of practices in helping families with many children and the proposal attempt of some changes in the approach when dealing with issues of these families.
In this paper practices from different countries related to support policies for families with many children are presented. The actuality of this research topic stems from the fact that, even in today’s world, the families with many children often struggle with low income, discrimination and other social and economic difficulties even if one might think these are a thing of the past. The purpose of the paper consists in the identification of current policies and mechanisms that support families with many children in Baltic countries and in Moldova and present an opinion based on the differences in the measures used towards these families. In this paper were used as research methods the legal analysis and comparison. The results of the paper consist in identification and analysis of practices in helping families with many children and the proposal attempt of some changes in the approach when dealing with issues of these families.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: pp. 288- 290 (36 titl.). JEL Classification: I38, J13.
familii cu multi copii, masuri de susţinere, Tarile Baltice, indemnizatii, inlesniri, Republica Moldova, families with many children, support measures, Baltic countries, allowances, facilities, Republic of Moldova
CIOBANU, Mihail. Support measures for families with many children in Baltic countries and Republic of Moldova. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: modele de dezvoltare durabilă = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: sustainable development models: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ed. a 12-a, 12-13 octombrie 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2017, vol. 2, pp. 286-290. ISBN 978-9975-3171-2-2.