Situational analysis of social inclusion policies for people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova
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The quality of life of people with disabilities is one of the problems facing modern society. The object of
research is the situation of people with disabilities. The study investigated the following issues: the structure and
dynamics of people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, medical and social aspects of disability, the legal
basis for the interaction between society and people with disabilities, relation between people with disabilities and
civil society. The main purpose of the study is an analysis of social inclusion policies of people with disabilities
promoted in the Republic of Moldova. The study has been carried out within the project of the State Program
20.80009.0807.29 “Improving the application mechanisms of the innovative instruments oriented towards the
sustainable growth of the well-being of population of the Republic of Moldova”.
Text în lb. rom. Abstract in lb. engl. Referințe bibliogr.: p. 300 (12 titl.). JEL Classification: I18, I31. CZU: 316.344.6-056.2/.3:316.61(478)
social space, social exclusion, social inclusion, people with disabilities, policies, excluziune sociala, spatiu social, incluziune sociala, persoane cu dizabilitati, politici, Republic of Moldova, Republica Moldova
GUTIUM, Tatiana. Situational analysis of social inclusion policies for people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova = Analiza situațională a politicilor de incluziune socială a persoanelor cu dizabilități din Republica Moldova. In: 30 years of economic reforms in the Republic of Moldova: economic progress via innovation and competitiveness: International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the establishment of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, September 24th-25th, 2021, Chisinau. Chișinău, 2022, vol. 2, pp. 293-300. ISBN 978-9975-155-64-9 (PDF). DOI: