Bazele teoretice privind echilibrul bugetar şi conceptele moderne de programare a lui
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Materialul prezentat este pregătit în baza analizei comparative a diferitor teorii şi modele de echilibrare a bugetului naţional public. Sunt întreprinse încercări de a sintetiza diferite metode, tehnici şi procedee calitative folosite în activitatea financiară pentru echilibrarea bugetului. Au fost sistematizate diferite poziţii a autorilor, şcoli şi direcţii conceptuale în ştiinţa europeană a bazelor metodologice consacrate problemei echilibrului. Sunt delimitate unele teorii cu impact în investigaţiile ştiinţifice a problemelor echilibrului bugetar în anumite etape a evoluţiei dezvoltării moderne.
Below material is prepared based on comparative analysis of different theories and models of balancing of the national budget public. There are made some attempts to synthesize various methods, techniques and qualitative methods used in financial activity in order to balance the budget. Have been systematic zed different positions of the authors, schools and conceptual directions of the European science of methodological bases devoted to the problem of balance. There are delimited some theories with impact on scientific investigations of budgetary balance problems, in certain stages of the evolution of modern development.
Below material is prepared based on comparative analysis of different theories and models of balancing of the national budget public. There are made some attempts to synthesize various methods, techniques and qualitative methods used in financial activity in order to balance the budget. Have been systematic zed different positions of the authors, schools and conceptual directions of the European science of methodological bases devoted to the problem of balance. There are delimited some theories with impact on scientific investigations of budgetary balance problems, in certain stages of the evolution of modern development.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 33 (7 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. Recenzent: Tatiana MANOLI, dr. hab., prof., IEFS.
buget national, echilibru bugetar, national budget, budget balance
ILIADI, Gheorghe, DODON, Svetlana. Bazele teoretice privind echilibrul bugetar şi conceptele moderne de programare a lui = Theoretical basis of budget balance and modern concepts of its programm. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2011, nr. 4, pp. 28-33. ISSN 1857-4130.