Abordări teoretico-metodologice ale competitivităţii economice (Partea II)
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În articol, în baza studierii mai multor surse bibliografice reprezentative, se cercetează şi se încearcă de a ordona, din punct de vedere logico-ştiinţific, câteva dintre cele mai frecvente tratări teoretico-metodologice ale esenţei, definiţiei, fenomenului, tipurilor, caracteristicilor şi indicilor competitivităţii economice.
This article, on the basis of the study of many representative bibliographic sources, examines and tries to order from logical and scientific point of view some of the most common theoretical and methodological treatments of the essence, definition, phenomenon, types, characteristics and indices of economic competitiveness.
This article, on the basis of the study of many representative bibliographic sources, examines and tries to order from logical and scientific point of view some of the most common theoretical and methodological treatments of the essence, definition, phenomenon, types, characteristics and indices of economic competitiveness.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 20 (6 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. JEL classification: A10, B41, O10.
competitivitate, competitivitate economica, competitivitate nationala, competitivitate teritoriala, competitivitate ramurala, competitivitatea firmei, concurenta, competitiveness, economic competitiveness, national competitiveness, territorial competitiveness, sectoral competitiveness, competition
MACARI, Vadim. Abordări teoretico-metodologice ale competitivităţii economice (Partea II) = Theoretical and methodological approaches to economic competitiveness (Part II). In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2013, nr. 2. pp. 15-20. ISSN 1857-4130.