Коммуникации в контексте обеспечения кадровой безопасности предприятия


Staff security consists in prevent of negative impacts on the economic security of the enterprise due to the dangers and threats associated with the staff. The planning and management of human resources should cover all processes from the organization of recruitment and selection to their lifelong learning and motivation. The staff security is possible with the timely detection and resolution of crisis situations in the collective. It is important to create and maintain a good atmosphere in the team. In this context, communications acquires the particular importance. They form the interpersonal and business relationships between people. Through the communications people improve their professional skills, developing themselves and develop the organization that work.


Text: lb. rusă. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : p. 57 (6 titl.).


comunicare, personal, intreprinderi, asigurarea securitatii personalului


IANIOGLO, Alina. Коммуникации в контексте обеспечения кадровой безопасности предприятия. In: Dimensiunile comunicării în contextul integrării europene a Republicii Moldova: materialele conferinţei naţionale cu participare internaţională, 11 aprilie 2014, Chişinău. Chişinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 55-57. ISBN 978-9975-75-643-3.
