Microfinanţarea – veriga importantă de dezvoltare a sectorului financiar nebancar din Republica Moldova
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Evoluţia sectorului financiar nebancar din Republica Moldova, în anul 2014, demonstrează că deşi acesta deţine proporţii reduse în economia ţării, în comparaţie cu sectorul bancar, raza lui de cuprindere este foarte vastă, oferind servicii de creditare complementare celor din sectorul bancar, disponibile întreprinderilor mici şi mijlocii pe întreg teritoriul ţării. Drept urmare, în economia moldovenească trebuie să se producă ameliorări substanţiale în ceea ce priveşte: potenţialul economic, comportamentul agenţilor economici, forţa de competiţie a produselor şi a producătorilor agricoli şi, nu în ultimul rând, capacitatea instituţională şi administrativă cu o abordare specială pentru mediul rural. Scopul articolului reprezintă rolul şi importanţa sectorului de microfinanţare din Republica Moldova în perioada de incertitudine. Astfel, se elucidează principalele tendinţe de dezvoltare a instituţiilor de microfinanţare în ultimii cinci ani, fiind reflectată prin îmbunătăţirea tuturor indicatorilor. Actualitate. Accesul dificil la finanţare în Republica Moldova serveşte drept o constrangere actuală de care se ciocneşte întregul sector al IMM. De aceea, microfinanţarea este un instrument puternic impotriva sărăciei. Accesul la servicii durabile, din punct de vedere financiar, permite săracilor să îşi mărească veniturile, să construiască valori şi să reducă vulnerabilitatea faţă de şocurile externe. Metodele de cercetare aplicate în această lucrare sunt: metoda abstracţiei ştiinţifice, metoda analizei şi sintezei, metoda logică şi metodele statistice. Actele legislative ale Republicii Moldova reprezintă baza studiului elaborat, care reglementează activitatea sectorului de microfinanţare, datele statistice ale Biroului Naţional de Statistică al Republicii Moldova pentru anii 2010-2014 şi, respectiv, Rapoartele de activitate a Comisiei Naţionale a Pieţei Financiare din Republica Moldova. Din punct de vedere ştiinţific, activitatea şi caracteristica instituţiilor financiare nebancare au fost puţin studiate atat la nivel european, cat şi în Republica Moldova, fiind reflectate, în mod tradiţional, în articole sau în monografii. Rezultate. În final, autorul propune cele mai importante avantaje competitive ale instituţiilor financiare nebancare din Republica Moldova, axandu-se pe recomandări valoroase pentru instituţiile financiare bancare şi nebancare.
The evolution of the nonbank financial sector in Moldova in 2014, demonstrates that, although it has a low share in the economy, compared with the banking sector, the radius of coverage is very extensive, offering services complementary to the banking sector loans, available for small and medium enterprises throughout the country. As a result, Moldovan economy should produce substantial improvements in terms of economic potential, the behaviour of economic, competitive products and farmers and not least institutional and administrative capacity with special approach for rural areas. The purpose of article is represented by the role and importance of the microfinance sector in Moldova in the period of uncertainty. Thus, it highlights the main trends of development of microfinance institutions in the past five years, as reflected by the improvement of all the indicators. Novelty. Difficult access to finance in Moldova serves as a current constraint that collides the entire SME sector. Thus, microfinance is a powerful tool against poverty. Access to financially sustainable services enables the poor people to increase their income, build value and reduce vulnerability to external shocks. Research methods used in this paper are: the method of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis method, the logical method and statistical methods. Information basis of the study consisted in legislative acts of the Republic of Moldova, which regulates the sector of microfinance, statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova for the years 2010-2014, respectively, activity reports of the National Commission of Financial Market of the Republic Moldova on the microfinance sector activity. From the scientific point of view, the activity and features of the NFIs have been studied very little, both in Europe and Moldova, being made, usually traditionally, articles or monographs. Results. In conclusion, the author proposes the most important competitive advantages of NFIs in Moldova, focusing on significant recommendations for non-bank financial institutions.
The evolution of the nonbank financial sector in Moldova in 2014, demonstrates that, although it has a low share in the economy, compared with the banking sector, the radius of coverage is very extensive, offering services complementary to the banking sector loans, available for small and medium enterprises throughout the country. As a result, Moldovan economy should produce substantial improvements in terms of economic potential, the behaviour of economic, competitive products and farmers and not least institutional and administrative capacity with special approach for rural areas. The purpose of article is represented by the role and importance of the microfinance sector in Moldova in the period of uncertainty. Thus, it highlights the main trends of development of microfinance institutions in the past five years, as reflected by the improvement of all the indicators. Novelty. Difficult access to finance in Moldova serves as a current constraint that collides the entire SME sector. Thus, microfinance is a powerful tool against poverty. Access to financially sustainable services enables the poor people to increase their income, build value and reduce vulnerability to external shocks. Research methods used in this paper are: the method of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis method, the logical method and statistical methods. Information basis of the study consisted in legislative acts of the Republic of Moldova, which regulates the sector of microfinance, statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova for the years 2010-2014, respectively, activity reports of the National Commission of Financial Market of the Republic Moldova on the microfinance sector activity. From the scientific point of view, the activity and features of the NFIs have been studied very little, both in Europe and Moldova, being made, usually traditionally, articles or monographs. Results. In conclusion, the author proposes the most important competitive advantages of NFIs in Moldova, focusing on significant recommendations for non-bank financial institutions.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 73-74 (10 titl.). JEL Classification: E5; G12; G21; G23; G32; H81 CZU: 336.773(478).
microfinantare, sectorul bancar, stabilitate financiara, active, credite, profitabilitate, solvabilitate, microfinance, banking sector, financial stability, loans, credit, profitability, solvency
POPA, Viorica. Microfinanţarea – veriga importantă de dezvoltare a sectorului financiar nebancar din Republica Moldova. In: Analele Institutului Naţional de Cercetări Economice. 2015, nr. 1, pp. 68-74. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.