Avantajele, dezavantajele și eficiența sectorului energetic al Republicii Moldova


The Republic of Moldova is an importing state of energy resources. For this reason, energy security research and evaluation of the efficiency of the domestic energy sector is relevant. The authors have studied the conceptual delimitations on energy security and efficiency, have investigated the pillars and factors influencing security, estimation methods and efficiency indicators, have evaluated the energy efficiency of the Republic of Moldova. The novelty of the article is the presentation of a new conceptual vision of energy security and efficiency.


Referinţe bibliografice: pp. 465-466 (12 titl.). JEL Classification: Q41, Q43, Q49, D61.


energy efficiency, energy security, competitiveness, basic macroeconomic indicators, Republic of Moldova


GUTIUM, Tatiana, CIOBANU, Mihail. Avantajele, dezavantajele și eficiența sectorului energetic al Republicii Moldova. In : Experience. Knowledge. Contemporary Challenges „ Innovative economic-social Approaches in the Knowledge Society”: international symposium, 5th edition, 12th-13th, December, 2019. Artifex University of Bucharest. Bucharest, 2019, pp. 460-466. ISBN 978-606-8716-50-3.




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