The new step in digitalization of economy

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„Independenţa Economică”


Digitization leads to a permanent transformation of the economy and state services. State governments and economic agents must be ready for the transformations that will take place and on the one hand create legislative frameworks to control progress, and on the other hand economic agents must be ready to develop their business in accordance with new technologies informational. The analysis of the trends in the digitization of the economy and how to calculate it is the objective of the given article. The purpose of the study is to identify the transformations taking place in the economy and society with the implementation of information technologies, and the ways to quantify the stage of this transformation.


Text: lb. engl. Abstrac: lb. engl. Referinţe bibliografice : pp. 10-11 (11 titl.). JEL Classification: K24, M15


digital intensity index, economy transformation, cyber security, digitalization, digitalizare, indice de intensitate digitala, securitate cibernetica, transformare economica


GUTIUM, Mircea. The new step in digitalization of economy. In: The Journal Contemporary Economy = Revista Economia Contemporană. 2023, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 6-11. ISSN 2537-4222, ISSN-L 2537-4222.




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