COVID-19 and the response of central monetary authorities


The spread of the coronavirus epidemic is causing turmoil in financial markets’ functioning. This sudden shock required for a massive policy response. The actions of central banks have emphasized their critical role in crisis management process. The scope of this article is to emphasize policy actions taken by central banks from some selected countries, including the Republic of Moldova.


Referinţe bibliografice: p. 75 (9 titl.). JEL Classification: E52, E58, E19.


COVID-19, central bank, monetary policy, corporate governance, public sector, debt


IORDACHI, Victoria, TIMUȘ, Angela, CIOBU, Stela. COVID-19 and the response of central monetary authorities. In: Implicațiile economice și sociale ale pandemiei COVID-19: analize, prognoze și strategii de atenuare a consecințelor = Economic and social implications of the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis, forecasts and consequences mitigation strategies: teze ale conferinței științifice internaționale, 23 octombrie 2020, Chișinău. Chișinău : INCE, 2020, pp. 73-75. ISBN 978-9975-3463-3-7.




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