Constituirea şi dezvoltarea instituţiilor publice de susţinere a IMM în Republica Moldova
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Lucrarea analizează procesul de constituire şi dezvoltare a instituţiilor publice cheie de sustinere a IMM-urilor,
create şi care activează pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova începand cu anii ’90 ai secolului trecut. Atenţia se axează pe două grupe de instituţii publice: care elaborează şi realizează politica de dezvoltare a mediului de afaceri,
precum şi care furnizează servicii întreprinderilor. Sunt analizate funcţiile de bază ale organizaţiilor publice de
sustinere, reliefate problemele întreprinderilor, care definesc necesitatea lor de susţinere. Sunt identificate barierele în activitatea acestor instituţii.
The article analyzes the process of formation and development of the major public institutions of SMEs’ support, established and working in the Republic of Moldova from the 90's of the last century. The focus is placed on two groups of public institutions: developing and implementing policies for business development, as well as providing services to enterprises. The basic functions of supporting public organizations are revealed. Problems of enterprises that determine their need for support are emphasized. Obstacles in the activities of the mentioned institutions are identified.
The article analyzes the process of formation and development of the major public institutions of SMEs’ support, established and working in the Republic of Moldova from the 90's of the last century. The focus is placed on two groups of public institutions: developing and implementing policies for business development, as well as providing services to enterprises. The basic functions of supporting public organizations are revealed. Problems of enterprises that determine their need for support are emphasized. Obstacles in the activities of the mentioned institutions are identified.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 71 (7 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. Recenzent: PERCIUN, Rodica dr., conf. cercet., IEFS.
intreprinderi mici si mijlocii, mediul de afaceri, small and medium-sized enterprises, business environment
ACULAI, Elena. Constituirea şi dezvoltarea instituţiilor publice de susţinere a IMM în Republica Moldova = Formation and development of public institution of SMES’support in the Republic of Moldova. In: Economie şi Sociologie = Economy and Sociology. 2012, nr. 4, pp. 62-71. ISSN 1857-4130.