Cercetări financiare și monetare

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    Exploring Moldovan educational offerings and predicting competences in intelligent specialization domains: a comprehensive study
    (2024) Gribincea, Corina; Ungur, Cristina
    This paper examines the challenges hindering the alignment of skills with labor market demands in Moldova. Two main issues are identified: first, the educational system’s inability to respond adequately to labor market needs, resulting in a significant disparity between required skills and those produced by educational programs. This disconnect may stem from outdated curriculum, inadequately trained specialists lacking updated knowledge, and skills relevant to contemporary industries. Second, there exists a weak strategic collaboration between key stakeholders, notably between companies and educational institutions. Insufficient collaboration hampers efforts to identify skills gaps and tailor educational offerings to meet industry requirements. The repercussions of these challenges are profound, as the shortage of qualified personnel impedes enterprise performance and necessitates the curtailment of development plans and production indicators for many employers. Addressing these issues requires concerted efforts to bridge the gap between education and industry and foster stronger partnerships between stakeholders to ensure a more responsive and effective labor market. The article was developed within the framework of 3.70105.0807.10T Project for Young Researchers “Development of new working models in the context of post-pandemic consequences and strengthening of job-specific skills for occupations and areas of smart specialization in the Republic of Moldova”.
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    The implications of saving and investment balance on economic growth of the Republic of Roldova
    (2017) Perciun, Rodica; Petrova, Tatiana; Gribincea, Corina
    The saving and investment balance can ensure the stability of the financial market. The aim of the study is to analyse the dynamics of the saving-investment balance in the Republic of Moldova and its impact on economic growth. The role and possibilities of attracting foreign investments into fixed assets are presented. The indicator of investment growth with a low level of gross savings is a signal or a harbinger of a decline in economic growth. According to the National Bank of Moldova, legal export of capital from the Republic of Moldova takes only a small part in the process of export of capital. The leading role in the mechanism of transformation of savings into investment should belong to BNM.
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    Direcțiile care vor determina viitorul apropiat
    (Tipogr. "A& VPoligraf", 2021) Gribincea, Corina; Gribincea, Alexandru
    In 2020, humanity as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic and other factors, the processes of digital transformation in various areas of the global economy have accelerated significantly. Finally, the pace of development of communications networks has exceeded all previous forecasts and already in 2021 some indicators could be reached, which were previously predictable only in 2024. The accelerated digital transformation of 2021 promises us great upheavals. As the pandemic has shown, the most important factor for businesses and institutions today is their willingness to respond quickly to unforeseen situations and to innovate to improve business efficiency. At the heart of this innovation is a smart and scalable network infrastructure that keeps business processes secure and flexible. Only countries with a flexible innovation economy can become competitive and overcome the losses of the 2020 crisis.
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    Modele de afaceri circulare
    (INCE, 2022) Perciun, Rodica; Timofei, Olga; Ungur, Cristina; Gribincea, Corina; Savga, Larisa; Perciun, Iulia; Tirigan, Sergiu
    În acest ghid informativ este realizată o descriere a modelelor de afaceri circulare, sunt identificate bunele practici internaționale, precum și soluțiile inteligente existente, în organizarea modelelor de afaceri circulare în Republica Moldova.
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    Utilizarea durabilă a resurselor naturale și impactul asupra mediului
    (INCE, 2022) Gribincea, Corina
    The economy of Europe and Moldova depends on an uninterrupted flow of natural resources and materials. Europe's green industry has grown by about 8% a year in recent years, and its annual turnover is about 2.5% of Europe's GDP. The use of resources as well as the generation and treatment of waste lead to significant pressures on the environment in the stages of extraction, production, use and at the end of the life cycle. In recent years, the emphasis has been on security of supply of critical raw materials. The article presents some results of the study and critical analysis of the sustainable use of natural resources and the impact on the environment in the Republic of Moldova. The article is written within the State Program (2020-2023) 20.80009.0807.22 Development of the mechanism for the formation of the circular economy in the Republic of Moldova.
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    Rethinking the manufacturing systems and intervening on the consumption mode through the circular economy
    (Performantica, 2020) Duca, Aurelia; Gribincea, Corina; Gribincea, Alexandru
    In the article there are analyzed the theoretical, legislative and program substantiation of the concept of circular economy; on one hand, it describes the links between the concept of circular economy, "green" economy and bio economy, and on the other hand the principles of sustainability. A central place in the article occupies the research of the economic dimension of sustainability in the circular concept of the economy and its repercussions on the regional economy.
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    Opportunities in the age of climate change through cultivation of energy plants in “Siret-Prut-Nistru” euroregion
    (Performantica, 2020) Gumovschi, Andrei; Gribincea, Alexandru; Gribincea, Corina
    The cultivation needs of energy plants were identified and land was provided for possible cultivation. The potential introduction of new species were calculated and trends of energy plants in Moldovawere examined. It was found that the raw material in the country of phyto-products allows the contribution of biomass in total energy consumption up to the level of 25%. Opportunities to increase the amount of biomass for energy provide energy for plant cultivation, which will help improve the environment.
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    Contributia managementului eficientei energetice asupra mediului, dezvoltarii durabile si securitatii energetice
    (2015) Gribincea, Corina
    In prezent, politica de eficiența energetica totuși nu primește un accent suficient in raport cu politica de energie regenerabila, chiar daca acestea au beneficii similare in ceea ce privește securitatea energetica și schimbarile climatice. In articol sunt prezentate beneficiile in evoluție a eficienței energetice in domeniul industriei alimentare, a schimbarilor climatice și securitatii energetice. Experienta ultimilor ani a demonstrat lipsa de pregatire a companiilor din industria alimentara autohtona pentru lupta concurentiala, inclusiv pe piata externa, utilizarea insuficienta a tehnicilor de management de productie si cel energetic pentru asigurare a competitivitatii sistemelor de productie, dar si ineficienta politicilor industriale ale statului in formarea competitivitatii acestui sector.
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    The Funding Projects for Sustainable Development of Romanian Rural Area: Benefits and Limits
    (2015) Borza, Mioara; Gribincea, Corina
    The Romania’s socio-economic development, according to the European standards and requirements, depends largely on rural area development, which is so significant for our country’s international recognition. The sustainable development, one of the most modern concepts inherent for economic world of XXI century, is a main goal of entities responsible for Romanian rural area development. Bearing in mind that the socio-economic condition and quality of life in Romanian rural area are far from sustainability principles and realities of other European States, we appreciate the role and implication of funding programs dedicated to rural area, as essential. In our opinion, the Romanian rural area was a subject of significant challenges, with very sinuous evolution, so it is extremely important to use all possible funding sources that let implement the projects aimed to foster sustainable development of Romanian rural area. However, the past experience with SAPARD, FEADR and other programs indicates that in addition to their benefits, some limits appear as well. In this paper we propose to identify these benefits and limits and realize a synthetic analysis based on the past experience of the projects beneficiaries, with aim to establish some key lessons for the next funding period 2014-2020 when, again, the Romanian rural area is a priority. Also, we suggest implementing a comparative analysis of main rural sectors where the funding projects for sustainability of rural area were implemented with success or obstacles.
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    The matrix of energy management – an efficient management tool for food industry of the Republic of Moldova
    (USAMV, 2015) Gribincea, Corina
    The article analysed the evolution and currentpractice of engineering and economic approach regarding the issue of efficient energy management in food entreprises from the Republic of Moldova. The problem of reducing energy costs in addition to energy price growth factor has a major impact on managerial effort to reduce energy consumption. In this sense, the matrix of energy management is an effective tool for strategy and monitoring the efforts achieved in energy management in food enterprises, and the problem of minimizing energy costs is presented as an isoquant map described by classical production function.