Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală

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    Determining agriculture production efficiency based on the new assesment tools
    (INCE, 2019) Parmacli, Dmitrii; Stratan, Alexandru
    Profitability indicators describe the result of the management process more comprehensively than profit, characterize the effectiveness and efficiency of management, because their value shows the ratio of the effect with cash or input resources. They are used to evaluate the performance of the enterprise, as well as an instrument of investment policy and pricing. Most often, in practice, agricultural enterprises calculate indicators that characterize the profitability of production costs, investment projects and profitability of sales. It is very important to calculate the profitability levels of each type of sold products and give them an estimate, which allows identifying the most profitable ones. Methodological approaches are proposed in order to determine the four levels of profitability of the sold products, which are clearly presented in tables and graphs. It is important to grade the levels of profitability for each type of sold product, and therefore, it is becoming possible to assess their degree of effectiveness or level of profitability. The purpose of the article is to provide teachers from higher educational institutions, as well as agricultural specialists with modern tools for assessing the effectiveness of sold products, in particular through application of an unconventional method. The presented study allows specialists of agricultural enterprises to determine on the basis of two coefficients (return on fixed and specific variable costs) the moderate, rational, optimal and high profitability of sold grain, sunflower, grapes and other products and based on them to justify the amount of expected profit.
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    Прямой и сопутствующий эффекта роста объемов товарной продукции: какой больше?
    (Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2019) Parmacli, Dmitrii; Todorici, Liudmila; Dudoglo, Tatiana; Ianioglo, Alina
    Цель исследования – обосновать и показать на конкретных примерах методику расчетов прямого и сопутствующего эффекта прироста объемов реализованной продукции. Проведенные исследования показали, что эффективность внедрения инновационных разработок на предприятиях, направленных на повышение объемов товарной продукции, зависят не только от размеров прироста объемов реализации, снижения их себестоимости и росте цен, но и от исходного состояния производства, выраженного в соотношении постоянных и переменных затрат и сложившегося уровня рентабельности продукции. Превышение эффекта вызванного снижением себестоимости продукции над эффектом роста объемов реализованного товара, обеспечивает та инновационная разработка, которая при прочих условиях внедряется на предприятиях, имеющих более высокие показатели доли постоянных затрат, а рентабельность продукции ниже.
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    Particularităţi şi costuri la cultivarea hreanului în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2014) Betivu, Danaia; Vasilascu, Ion
    Hreanul se cultiva în scopuri medicinale înca din antichitate, datorită proprietăţilor sale terapeutice. Întrebuinţarea hreanului în alimentaţie a început în Evul Mediu, în Europa. Emigrările europenilor pe continentul nord-american s-au soldat cu cultivarea hreanului în scopuri comerciale, fiind o afacere profitabilă şi astăzi pentru unele state precum SUA, Austria, Ungaria etc. În Republica Moldova, hreanul, deşi întrebuinţat în industria alimentară ca materie prima pentru sosuri, conservant şi condiment, este cultivat în cantităţi mici, doar în gospodăriile ţărăneşti auxiliare. Acest articol are ca scop evidenţierea particularităţilor şi costurile de cultivare a hreanului în scopuri industriale în Republica Moldova.