Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală

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    The interconnection model between the Republic of Moldova's food security and its agricultural products export
    (USAMV, 2023) Stratan, Alexandru; Lopotenco, Viorica; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    The main objective of this study is to analyze the food security resilience of the Republic of Moldova. For this reason, it is essential to establish the interconnections between food security and foreign trade of the Republic of Moldova in the actual circumstances on the external market. On the one hand, agricultural economic agents faced the loss of traditional export markets. The most vulnerable category in this regard is 08. Edible fruits and nuts; peels of citrus fruits or melons, which in 2021 constituted 7.40% of the total exports. About 52.15% of the export of this category was directed in 2021 in Russian Federation. On the other hand, the increase in the prices of agri-food products has intensified the risks of excessive growth of exports and their potential insufficiency for consumption on the domestic market. In conclusion, it is highlighted that the situation in the region of our country generates vulnerabilities with a substantial impact on food security.
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    Greening policies for the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova: current situation and future perspectives
    (USAMV, 2023) Stratan, Alexandru; Ceban, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    Agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova is currently facing a series of challenges, an important part of them being related to the greening of the sector. The existing public support schemes for greening agriculture are more related to mitigation of the climate change effects, with less focus on preserving the environment, and their share in the total public support is relatively low. The paper aims to analyze the existing public support schemes related to climate change adaptation and greening of sector and provide a series of recommendations for their improvement. In order to achieve the main aim of the paper, the following scientific methods have been used: generalization of empirical and applied material, induction and deduction methods for making the paper conclusions, comparison method and analytical one. In order to be in line with current greening EU policies, Republic of Moldova must adapt some of its public support schemes for the agricultural sector and pay more attention to development of a coordinative mechanism and advice services.
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    Tehnologii moderne în sectorul vitivinicol
    (Artifex, 2023) Iatisin, Tatiana; Colesnicova, Tatiana
    One of the strategic prerogatives for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole is the implementation of modern technologies. The implementation of modern technologies in agriculture will transform and increase the production and quality of products. Therefore, modern agriculture is the most effective and necessary approach for transformation through the use of information technologies in increasing profitability, productivity and sustainability. Innovative technologies in the agricultural sector are seen as a solution for agroindustrial countries to produce healthier, safer and more affordable food in a sustainable and transparent way. In this research we aimed to analyse the benefits of using and implementing modern technologies in the wine sector. The article is elaborated within the framework of the State Program Projects for the period 2020-2023: "Development of new economic instruments for evaluation and stimulation of competitiveness of agriculture of the Republic of Moldova for the years 2020 - 2023" (registered in the State Register of Projects in the field of science and innovation of the Republic of Moldova with the code - 20.80009.0807.16) and "Improvement of mechanisms for implementation of innovative instruments oriented to sustainable growth of welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova" (registered in the State Register of Projects in the field of science and innovation of the Republic of Moldova with the code - 20.80009.0807.29). Una din prerogativele strategice de dezvoltare durabilă a sectorului agricol și a economiei în ansamblu este implementarea tehnologiilor moderne. Implementarea tehnologilor moderne în agricultură va transforma și va crește producția și calitatea produselor. De aceea, agricultura modernă este cea mai eficientă și necesară abordare pentru transformarea prin utilizarea tehnologiilor informaționale în sporirea rentabilității, productivității și sustenabilității. Tehnologiile inovaționale din sectorul agricol sunt considerate o soluției pentru țările agro-industriale, pentru a produce în mod durabil și transparent alimente mai sănătoase, mai sigure și mai accesibile. În această cercetare ne-am propus analiza avantajelor utilizării și implementării tehnologiilor moderne în sectorul vitivinicol. Articolul este elaborat în cadrul Proiectelor Programelor de Stat pe perioada anilor 2020-2023: „Elaborarea instrumentelor economice noi de evaluare și stimulare a competitivității agriculturii Republicii Moldova pentru anii 2020 - 2023” (înregistrat în Registrul de stat al proiectelor din domeniul științei și inovării din Republica Moldova cu codul - 20.80009.0807.16) și ”Perfecționarea mecanismelor de aplicare a instrumentelor inovaționale orientate spre creșterea durabilă a bunăstării populației Republicii Moldova” (înregistrat în Registrul de stat al proiectelor din domeniul științei și inovării din Republica Moldova cu codul - 20.80009.0807.29).
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    Rolul fermierilor mici în antreprenoriatul agricol
    (2023) Iatisin, Tatiana
    The paper presents the results of research on the role of small farmers in agricultural entrepreneurship. Farmers have an important role in balancing the need to increase productivity with the need to protect the environment and create value for society. The research is based on reports in the field; scientific papers of local researchers; articles of experts from this domain. Several research methods were applied in the research process: observation method, comparison, time series method, etc.
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    Current state, obstacles and opportunities for the development of the Champignon mushroom production industry in the Republic of Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Turetchi, Viorel
    Due to their nutritional and economic value, champignon mushrooms are appreciated by both consumers and domestic agricultural entrepreneurs. The ability of this culture to provide up to five - six harvests during the year, the constant demand on the local market for the given product, reflects, at first sight, guaranteed economic successes for potential mushroom producers. However, the specifics of the local market, as well as the technical and material conditions available for carrying out the production process in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, carry a series of risks that can seriously compromise the success of the given business. The purpose of this work is to confirm the economic advantage of producing champignon mushrooms in the conditions of our country, to reflect the necessary technological measures to be implemented, the risks that may arise in the production process. General research methods (empirical and theoretical methods) were used in the preparation of the report, the analysis of statistical data reflecting the dynamics of the foreign and local markets was widely applied. The report presents both the analysis of the statistical data and the derived conclusions, and the effects are interpreted through the lens of promoting agricultural products with a high economic value. The results of the report present the dynamics of the local mushroom production sector, development opportunities and measures to make the field more efficient.
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    Hierarchy of responsibilities regarding the food security of the country in the conditions of the increased impact of the different risk phenomena
    (INCE, 2022) Bajura, Tudor; Gandacova, Svetlana
    Any economic activity, being based on essential costs of labor, materials, energy sources, etc., means that the results of the activity are higher compared to these costs, the difference between which, in principle, is an economic effect. At the same time, for the agricultural activity, together with the size of the economic effect, it is very important that the final results are not only efficient, but also guaranteed, that is, not to be subjected or even harmed by various risk phenomena. This need is doubly important in case of occurrence of risk phenomena (for example - drought, hail, torrential rains, etc.) repeatedly, or in case of concomitant action of various risk phenomena, we admit the case, natural risks and anthropogenic risks. The argument for the above-mentioned need is simple - agriculture produces goods, which cannot be replaced (globally) by any other goods. With the exception of food reserves from previous periods (if any), there is no possibility of the survival of the population of a country, a region or the population of the planet in the event of the occurrence and negative action of repeated or concomitant risk phenomena (usually). From here the actuality of the topic and its theoretical-practical importance. The aim of the paper The aim of the research is to determine the main and specific characteristics of a multilateral, hierarchically perfect arranged system of ensuring the country's food security in the face of increasingly obvious climate instability and / or volatility of regional (global) agri-food markets. The methods applied The main methods of solving the researched problem were used the dialectical method with its main elements: analysis, synthesis, scientific abstraction, comparison, statistical grouping, elaboration and use of norms, graphic methods, descriptive and analytical method, etc. The relevant results, obtained from the research carried out, are: − arguing the need to optimize the size and diversification of the directions of activity (specialization directions) of private agricultural holdings according to the typologies practically existing in the EU. − the reasoned hierarchy of the responsibilities of the different levels regarding the assurance of food security in the conditions of the socio-economic crises, analogous to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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    Implementarea sistemului informațional geografic în agricultură: experiența internațională vamală
    (Artifex, 2021) Doga, Valeriu; Colesnicova, Vlada; Hristev, Elena
    The international experience of industrialized countries through the prism of implementing GIS in agriculture is analyzed in this scientific article. Today, in developed countries, the industrialization of agriculture requires the introduction of the most modern information and telecommunications technologies not only in the field of management, but also in the field of agriculture. One of the most promising ways to improve the efficiency of agricultural production management is to use information systems based on geoinformation technologies (GIS- technologies). All this will create conditions for the sustainable development of rural areas, which is one of the most important strategic objectives of state policy in many countries, the achievement of which allows to ensure food security, increase the competitiveness of the economy and the welfare of citizens.
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    Development of the food sector in the Republic of Moldova
    (Transilvania University Press, 2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    The food sector of the Republic of Moldova has undergone significant changesin the past decades. Food processing companies and large scale collective and state farmshave been privatized, markets were liberalized, and economies have been integrated intothe global food systems. As a result of liberalization and privatization processes, the state-controlled vertical integration in the agri-food industry had collapse.Latter on, private vertical coordination systems have emerged and started to grow rapidlyas a response to consumer demand for food quality and safety on the one hand and thefarms’ production constraints caused by factor market imperfection on the other. The maindrivers of the integration processes are private business operators and traders. However,the efficiency of the newly emerged food value chains is still low. This investigation wasbased on analysis of the official statistical data, qualitative and quantitative studies andother relevant publications. A significant part of analysis was done in the framework of theFP7 project “AGRICISTRADE”. In this paper the importance and the most recent changesof the food industry in the Republic of Moldova were demonstrated, the main impedimentswere analyzed and proposals to foster the food sector development were provided.
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    De la consolidarea suprafeţelor agricole spre concentrarea capitalului şi creşterea productivităţii muncii
    (UASM, 2018) Bajura, Tudor
    Being the main subject of socio-economic reforms in the rural area at the transition from a super-centralized economy to the one based on market relations, agricultural land remained in the focus of local reformators and at the post-privatization stage. This time the issue of the non-admission of excessive particularization of agricultural land plots has become widely discussed, the negative consequences of which could have been destroy the positive effect of the mass privatization of both: agricultural areas and other means of production. The goal was reached. Almost 2/3 of the total agricultural output is currently the result of large and / or medium-sized agricultural enterprises. At the same time, according to the more detailed analysis, we can see that the area of cereal, technical and fodder crops predominates absolutely (almost 1460,6 thousand ha of the total 1519,5 thousand ha of sown areas) and relatively - 96,1%. The low added value of the overwhelming majority of cereal and technical crops, their subsequent marketing price (including foreign markets) in the form of agricultural raw materials, which usually barely covers even production costs, obviously do not create additional jobs in rural areas, but, above all, does not contribute to raising the level of profitability of the agrarian sector. Hence, the enormous debts of agricultural enterprises, the low level of occupation of the rural population, the massive emigration of the inhabitants of the Moldovan villages (primarily young people) in the cities and municipalities of the Republic of Moldova but also abroad. In essence, the consolidation of agricultural land has indeed contributed to the decrease in the share of idle land plots, but neither the expected economic effect has ensured. Hence the need to change the basic paradigm of the agrarian sector development, reflected in the name of article.
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    Local food systems development in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and opportunities
    (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2013) Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie
    The main challenge of the food sector in the Republic of Moldova is to identify specific needs and opportunities for agriculture and rural development throughout food supply chains, and focusing investment in areas where the most impact will be made. The identification and allocation of resources requires analysis of main dimensions of food supply chains, in order to establish links and determine local factors. In small transition economies the diagnosis of the food supply chains, is typically based on limited data and incomplete information. In order to investigate the actual state of food supply chains were used specific methods and techniques: statistical and economic analysis of macro-economic indicators, semi-structured interviews of key stakeholders, analysis of the impact of public policies on the agro-food sector. In the article is analyzed the process of food systems formation and integration at the local and global level. Although it is a small part of the overall agricultural sector, various local food systems are under development in the Republic of Moldova. These systems bring consumers in close contact with farmers and mobilize them to support local farms and sustainable farming practices. While local food systems continue to face many barriers, many of them show considerable potential for growth.