Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală
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Item Economic and technological aspects regarding the cultivation of blueberries in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova(USAMV, 2023) Turetchi, Viorel; Turetchi, TatianaCultivation of blueberries is an entrepreneurial activity recently approached by local farmers, a business with a fairly high economic potential. The nutritional and economic value of this crop fuels an active interest for both consumers and local producers. However, blueberry cultivation represents a risky challenge for potential domestic producers. This fact is conditioned, mainly, by the local natural factors that are unsuitable for the development and fruiting of the blueberry, respectively, for the creation of conditions similar to the natural habitat of the blueberry, considerable investments are required. The aim of the paper is to present a series of calculations proving that blueberry cultivation represents a profitable business in Moldova. The used methodology is based on comparative, analytical methods, and financial indicators that prove the business profitability. With a thorough elaboration of the whole business process, with all the calculations and analysis of the estimated results, as well as the exact forecasting of the risks and the impact, the cultivation and production of blueberries in the conditions of our country can become a successful business.Item Current state, obstacles and opportunities for the development of the Champignon mushroom production industry in the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2022) Turetchi, ViorelDue to their nutritional and economic value, champignon mushrooms are appreciated by both consumers and domestic agricultural entrepreneurs. The ability of this culture to provide up to five - six harvests during the year, the constant demand on the local market for the given product, reflects, at first sight, guaranteed economic successes for potential mushroom producers. However, the specifics of the local market, as well as the technical and material conditions available for carrying out the production process in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, carry a series of risks that can seriously compromise the success of the given business. The purpose of this work is to confirm the economic advantage of producing champignon mushrooms in the conditions of our country, to reflect the necessary technological measures to be implemented, the risks that may arise in the production process. General research methods (empirical and theoretical methods) were used in the preparation of the report, the analysis of statistical data reflecting the dynamics of the foreign and local markets was widely applied. The report presents both the analysis of the statistical data and the derived conclusions, and the effects are interpreted through the lens of promoting agricultural products with a high economic value. The results of the report present the dynamics of the local mushroom production sector, development opportunities and measures to make the field more efficient.Item Particularitățile investițiilor pe piața obiectelor imobiliare amplasate în spațiul rural al Republicii Moldova(Artifex, 2019) Turetchi, ViorelThe real estate market in developed countries depends by the free exchange relationships, which is one of the goal that must be achieved by real estate market of Republic of Moldova. Despite that national real estate market is a relatively new sector of the Moldavian economy, there are already crystalized some specific segments which reached an important development, such as: real estate market of urban residential objects and land market in rural sector. These is due to optimal adjustments of national regulatory framework that regulates the activity of the national real estate market, and also regulates active involvement of physical and legal person in the investment process in this areas.Item Dezvoltarea durabilă a spaţiului rural a Republicii Moldova – mit sau realitate?(UASM, 2018) Turetchi, ViorelAt the moment, the rural area of the Republic of Moldova is in a deep socioeconomic crisis. This also generated an advanced degradation of fertile soil, groundwater and the whole environment. Under these circumstances, it is imperative to implement concrete recovery actions that will cover all spheres of activity of rural inhabitants. In this context, the sustainable development of the rural area seems to be a sigle chance to get out of the given deadlock, only with one condition, that the local rural environment is technically prepared and has a full willing to implement this development concept. That generates a dilemma: are there these premises in the local rural space?Item Starea actuală şi perspectivele dezvoltării pieţei obiectelor locative în spaţiul rural al Republicii Moldova(INCE, 2017) Turetchi, ViorelSpaţiul rural reprezintă mediul de trai pentru cea mai mare parte a populaţiei Republicii Moldova iar reformele economice şi sociale au avut şi au un impact esenţial asupra acestei categorii de locuitori. Criza demografică ca rezultat al migraţiei interne şi externe a populaţiei rurale, calitatea precară a condiţiilor de trai datorită unei infrastructuri subdezvoltate marchează foarte mult starea actuală a vieţii locuitorilor rurali. Pe lângă factorii economici şi sociali, nivelul de viaţă ai locuitorilor de la sate este direct influențat atât de calitatea obiectelor imobiliare de care dispun, cât şi de administrarea eficientă a acestora. Astfel, obiectele imobiliare din spaţiul rural, cum ar fi bunurile imobiliare locative, obiectele imobiliare de producţie şi agrement formează baza prin intermediul căreia locuitorii de la sate îşi constituie mediul de trai.