Starea actuală şi perspectivele dezvoltării pieţei obiectelor locative în spaţiul rural al Republicii Moldova
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Spaţiul rural reprezintă mediul de trai pentru cea mai mare parte a populaţiei Republicii Moldova iar reformele economice şi sociale au avut şi au un impact esenţial asupra acestei categorii de locuitori. Criza demografică ca rezultat al migraţiei interne şi externe a populaţiei rurale, calitatea precară a condiţiilor de trai datorită unei infrastructuri subdezvoltate marchează foarte mult starea actuală a vieţii locuitorilor rurali. Pe lângă factorii economici şi sociali, nivelul de viaţă ai locuitorilor de la sate este direct influențat atât de calitatea obiectelor imobiliare de care dispun, cât şi de administrarea eficientă a acestora. Astfel, obiectele imobiliare din spaţiul rural, cum ar fi bunurile imobiliare locative, obiectele imobiliare de producţie şi agrement formează baza prin intermediul căreia locuitorii de la sate îşi constituie mediul de trai.
The rural area represents the living environment for most of the population of the Republic of Moldova and the economic and social reforms have had and have an essential impact on this category of inhabitants. The demographic crisis as a result of the internal and external migration of the rural population, poor quality of living conditions due to underdeveloped infrastructure greatly mark the current state of life of rural inhabitants. Besides the economic and social factors, the living standards of the villagers are directly influenced both by the quality of the real estate they possess and by their efficient administration. Thus, real estate objects in the rural area, such as real estate, real estate production and leisure, form the basis through which the inhabitants of the villages make up their living environment.
The rural area represents the living environment for most of the population of the Republic of Moldova and the economic and social reforms have had and have an essential impact on this category of inhabitants. The demographic crisis as a result of the internal and external migration of the rural population, poor quality of living conditions due to underdeveloped infrastructure greatly mark the current state of life of rural inhabitants. Besides the economic and social factors, the living standards of the villagers are directly influenced both by the quality of the real estate they possess and by their efficient administration. Thus, real estate objects in the rural area, such as real estate, real estate production and leisure, form the basis through which the inhabitants of the villages make up their living environment.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 272 (10 titl.). JEL Classification: R3, R11, H54, O18.
obiecte imobiliare locative, mediul rural, infrastructura, piata imobiliara locativa, investitii de capital, Republica Moldova, residential real estate, rural environment, infrastructure, housing real estate market, capital investment, Republic of Moldova
TURETCHI, Viorel. Starea actuală şi perspectivele dezvoltării pieţei obiectelor locative în spaţiul rural al Republicii Moldova. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării: modele de dezvoltare durabilă = Economic growth in conditions of globalization: sustainable development models: conferința internaţională ştiinţifico-practică, ed. a 12-a, 12-13 octombrie 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău: INCE, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 268-272. ISBN 978-9975-3171-1-5.