Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală
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Item Dinamica specializării comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova(IEFS, 2011) Stratan, Alexandru; Clipa, VictoriaÎn ultimul deceniu, comerţul exterior al Republicii Moldova, dar mai cu seamă exporturile au înregistrat performanţe foarte modeste. Spre deosebire de importuri, exporturile moldoveneşti au crescut foarte încet, fiind cauzate, în mare parte, şi de reducerea producţiei naţionale. În acest articol este analizat gradul de specializare al comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova şi măsura în care acesta a evoluat pe perioada de tranziţie. Moldova continuă să se specializeze, cu precădere, în exportul de produse agroalimentare. Structura importurilor este predominată de produsele mediu şi înalt tehnologice. Cu toate acestea, Moldova începe să importe cantităţi tot mai mari de produse pentru care reflectă un grad înalt de specializareItem Evoluția competitivității economiei naționale: aspecte teoretico-metodologice și practice(INCE, 2017) Stratan, AlexandruParcurgând un lung proces de tranziţie la economia de piaţă şi, fiind în procesul consolidării unei zone de comerţ liber aprofundată şi comprehensivă cu Uniunea Europeană, sporirea competitivităţii naţionale a devenit un obiectiv de importanţă majoră necesar a fi realizat de către autorităţile naţionale. Or, neglijarea acestui aspect, la această etapă, ar putea majora costurile şi timpul de reducere a decalajului de dezvoltare între economia moldovenească şi alte state din regiune. Scopul acestei lucrări constă în evaluarea competitivității economiei naționale, ținând cont de suportul informaţional disponibil în rapoartele trimestriale de monitorizare a Foii de parcurs privind ameliorarea competitivităţii Republicii Moldova. În procesul efectuării investigaţiilor au fost utilizate un șir metode de cercetare, inclusiv: analiza, sinteza, inducția, deducția, analogia, luând în considerare specificul domeniului economic. Principalele rezultate obținute în urma investigațiilor constau în oferirea unei diagnoze comprehensive a proceselor economice şi sociale ce contribuie la determinarea nivelului competitivităţii naţionale şi identificarea constrângerilor majore care necesită o implicare mai mare din partea autorităţilor publice, mediului academic şi a societăţii civile, în ansamblu.Item Fenomenul reexporturilor în Republica Moldova(IEFS, 2012) Stratan, Alexandru; Fala, Alexandru; Clipa, VictoriaPerformanţele exporturilor din anul 2011 au fost plăcut surprinzătoare. Acestea nu numai că au înregistrat un avânt puternic, dar şi au fost susţinute de o modificare aparent calitativă în structura exporturilor, producându-se o creştere a exporturilor de produse manufacturate. Totodată, tabloul unei performanţe înalte a exporturilor a fost afectat de presupunerea creşterii dinamicii a reexporturilor confirmat ulterior de datele statistice oficiale. Deşi, datele statistice indică că dezvoltarea acestora işi are rădăcinile încă din prima jumatate a deceniului trecut, acestea rămân a fi un concept relativ puţin cunoscut în ţara, creând deseori o imagine confuză privind conţinutul, dimensiunile sale şi efectele sale asupra altor indicatori economici. În acest context, prezentul articol işi propune clarificarea conceptului de reexport şi o încercare de a estima nivelul acestora în Republica Moldova.Item Support policies for agri-food export promotion in the Republic of Moldova.(Research Institute for Agricultural Economy and Rural Development, 2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Ignat, Anatolie; Moroz, VictorAgri-food trade has expanded over the recent decade in the Republic of Moldova. Trade policies promoted by the Republic of Moldova are mostly oriented towards product diversification, knowledge transfer and promotion of new competitive goods with high added value for domestic and foreign markets. The trade balance remains dynamic with significant fluctuations in product categories over time and countries of destination, due to climatic and trade shocks. In this context, the aim of the paper is to provide an analysis of agri-food sector and external trade, assess the impact of external factors over the national economy and opportunities for the better export targeting, and identify possible solutions to increase resilience to agro-food foreign trade shocks. For such tasks were used the statistical methods of analysis and informal interviews with main stakeholders. This paper’s outcome incorporates the scale, significance and dynamics of the agri-food export including the continued evolution of the regulatory agencies involved and the critical role of support policies provided by other sectors of national economy for the export promotion.Item Moldovan agri-food sector dilemma: east or west?(2014) Stratan, AlexandruDuring the period 2010-2013, Republic of Moldova launched a number of initiatives to develop the trade policy in order to ensure a more facilitating legal framework for the implementation of economic and trade relations with the key external partners. An agreement on the creation of a free trade area in the CIS was signed in this period. Similarly, Republic of Moldova started negotiating the Association Agreement with the European Union, which was signed in June this year and is part of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). This article aims to assess the main effects of signing the Association Agreement for the Moldovan agricultural sector, while examining its reaction, if Moldova would have opted fo integration within the Customs Union - Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.Item Opportunities and risks of the integration options of the Republic of Moldova in the moldovian trade with agri-food products.(2014) Stratan, AlexandruIn the period 2010-2013, the Republic of Moldova launched a number of initiatives to develop the trade policy in order to ensure a more facilitating legal framework for the implementation of economic and trade relations with the key foreign partners. An agreement on the creation of a free trade area in the CIS was signed in this period. Similarly, the Republic of Moldova started negotiating the Association Agreement with the European Union, which was initiated in November last year and is part of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). This article aims to assess the possible main effects of signing the Association Agreement for the Moldovian agricultural sector, while examining its reaction, in case Moldova had opted for its integration into the Customs Union – Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.Item Remittances contribution to sustainable economic Development: Case of Republic Moldova(,,VICTOR SLĂVESCU” CENTRE FOR FINANCIAL AND MONETARY RESEARCH, 2014) Stratan, AlexandruDespite the magnitude and in, some cases, the major role remittances do have in many economies all over the world, the monitoring and estimation of these flows, as well their impact on home economies pose a lot of challenges for specialists in this area. We found that, concerning Republic of Moldova, no data exists on the real volume of the money transfers made by Moldovan emigrants to the country. All data rely on indirect measures produced by local and international institutions and think tanks that can be used to make an approximation of the volume of these flows, their structural characteristics and spillovers on country’s social and economic development. The main sources in this context are: the Balance of Payments elaborated by the National Bank of Moldova that is considered the most relevant source to make an estimation of remittances’ volume; the Household Budget Survey carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) that presents data on remittances share on resident households income.Item Assessing the export performance in transition countries : the case of the Republic of Moldova(2011) Stratan, Alexandru; Clipa, VictoriaDespite their common legacy of central planning and of a new beginning in the ’90s, transition countries have achieved different export performances. Although there is not a consensus among economists on the dimension of exports impact on economic growth, the non-performance or poor performance of exports may indicate inadequate policy reforms that by consequence do hinder economic growth. The purpose of this paper is to make an assessment of performances that Republic of Moldova’s exports have achieved after 20 years of transition compared to other countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.Item Moldovan agri-food trade under the infulence of integration processes.(University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest - Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 2014) Stratan, AlexandruThe paper aims at the assessment of the main effects of signing the Association Agreement on the Moldovan agricultural sector, while examining its reaction, if the Republic of Moldova would have opted for its integration in the Customs Union - Russian Federation, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. During the period 2010-2013, Republic of Moldova launched a number of trade policy development initiatives in order to ensure a more facilitating legal framework for the economic and trade relations with the key external partners. An agreement on the establishment of a free trade area in the CIS was signed in this period. Similarly, Republic of Moldova started negotiating the Association Agreement with the European Union, which was signed in June this year and has as component part the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). The paper reveals that the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU could serve as instrument to stimulate the agricultural sector, but the DCFTA establishment will present some challenges, which are to be properly addressed, in order to exclude their turning into risks.Item With regard to Moldova's integration options : quo vadis agri-food trade(UCCM, 2014) Stratan, AlexandruDuring the period 2010-2013 the Republic of Moldova launched a number of initiatives for the development of its trade policy in order to ensure a more facilitating legal framework for the implementation of economic and trade relations with key external partners. An agreement on the creation of a free trade area in the CIS was signed in this period. Similarly, the Republic of Moldova started negotiating the Association Agreement with the European Union, which was initialed in November last year and is part of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). This article aims to assess the main effects of signing the Association Agreement for Moldovan agricultural sector while examining its reaction if Moldova would choose integration into Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan Customs Union.