Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală

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    Development of the food sector in the Republic of Moldova
    (Transilvania University Press, 2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    The food sector of the Republic of Moldova has undergone significant changesin the past decades. Food processing companies and large scale collective and state farmshave been privatized, markets were liberalized, and economies have been integrated intothe global food systems. As a result of liberalization and privatization processes, the state-controlled vertical integration in the agri-food industry had collapse.Latter on, private vertical coordination systems have emerged and started to grow rapidlyas a response to consumer demand for food quality and safety on the one hand and thefarms’ production constraints caused by factor market imperfection on the other. The maindrivers of the integration processes are private business operators and traders. However,the efficiency of the newly emerged food value chains is still low. This investigation wasbased on analysis of the official statistical data, qualitative and quantitative studies andother relevant publications. A significant part of analysis was done in the framework of theFP7 project “AGRICISTRADE”. In this paper the importance and the most recent changesof the food industry in the Republic of Moldova were demonstrated, the main impedimentswere analyzed and proposals to foster the food sector development were provided.
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    Local food systems development in the Republic of Moldova: challenges and opportunities
    (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2013) Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie
    The main challenge of the food sector in the Republic of Moldova is to identify specific needs and opportunities for agriculture and rural development throughout food supply chains, and focusing investment in areas where the most impact will be made. The identification and allocation of resources requires analysis of main dimensions of food supply chains, in order to establish links and determine local factors. In small transition economies the diagnosis of the food supply chains, is typically based on limited data and incomplete information. In order to investigate the actual state of food supply chains were used specific methods and techniques: statistical and economic analysis of macro-economic indicators, semi-structured interviews of key stakeholders, analysis of the impact of public policies on the agro-food sector. In the article is analyzed the process of food systems formation and integration at the local and global level. Although it is a small part of the overall agricultural sector, various local food systems are under development in the Republic of Moldova. These systems bring consumers in close contact with farmers and mobilize them to support local farms and sustainable farming practices. While local food systems continue to face many barriers, many of them show considerable potential for growth.
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    Small and large farms in the Republic of Moldova: trends and perspectives
    (2014) Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    In recent years the Republic of Moldova has implemented a set of reforms in order to increase the efficiency of agricultural production. The main purpose of this paper is to highlight economic advantages and disadvantages of large and small scale farms, and also to focus on the multidimensional role of the small scale farming for rural areas. The methodology used in the article is based on analysis of statistical data, as well as on results of relevant qualitative and quantitative surveys. The main expected results of this paper lay in the proposals of ways in which agriculture can make a contribution to the vibrancy of rural communities from the Republic of Moldova.
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    Dezvoltarea sectorului animalier din Republica Moldova
    (IEFS, 2011) Ignat, Anatolie
    Sectorul animalier din Republica Moldova este extreme de parcelat şi depinde, în foarte mare măsură, de producţia în gospodăriile casnice ale populaţiei.Implicarea largă a sectorului individual în producţia animalieră creează impedimente considerabile în ceea ce priveşte conformitatea cu standardele de igienă, nutriţie a animalelor, precum şi cu normele de protejare a mediului din Republica Moldova şi UE. Procesele negative din sectorul zootehnic, fiind influenţate şi de nivelul redus al subsidiilor au cauzat probleme semnificative în asigurarea populaţiei cu produse de origine animalieră.
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    Evaluation of agricultural support in the Republic of Moldova
    (2016) Shik, Olga; Stratan, Alexandru; Ignat, Anatolie; Lucasenco, Eugenia
    This paper presents the outcome of the study conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in collaboration with the National Institute for Economic Research in the Republic of Moldova. The paper assesses the level and structure of government support to agriculture in Moldova by using a combination of formal quantitative, informal quantitative and qualitative analysis. Application of the PSE methodology by OECD provides a standardized quantitative method of measurement of support to agricultural sector. The methodology is based on comparing output producers’ prices (farm gate prices) with prices expected without policy interventions, e.g. market equilibrium or reference prices. Reference price must be selected in a way that best represents the opportunity costs of producing the commodity domestically. The effect of the public policy is measured by the difference between market and reference prices. If the difference between market and reference output prices is positive, policy causes benefits to producers, and if negative – policy leads to implicit taxation of the farmers. The paper suggests strategies and policy actions in order to increase efficiency of public support to agriculture with the focus on export growth.
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    Modernization of the agri-food sector of the Republic of Moldova in the context of international trade development
    (Research Institute for Agricultural Economy and Rural Development, 2014) Stratan, Alexandru; Moroz, Victor; Ignat, Anatolie
    The purpose of this paper is to identify opportunities for modernization of the agri-food sector of the Republic of Moldova in the context of the recent developments in the international and regional trade. Participation of the Republic of Moldova in various foreign trade agreements was analyzed. The assessment of the agri-food export was performed in order to show the impact of the trade barriers introduced by Russian authorities over the most important groups of agri-food products. The impact of the recent trade barriers over the economic stability and country’s food security was analyzed. The possible directions of the agro-food sector modernization in order to overcome external trade shocks were discussed.