Dezvoltarea sectorului animalier din Republica Moldova
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Sectorul animalier din Republica Moldova este extreme de parcelat şi depinde, în foarte mare măsură, de producţia în gospodăriile casnice ale populaţiei.Implicarea largă a sectorului individual în producţia animalieră creează impedimente considerabile în ceea ce priveşte conformitatea cu standardele de igienă, nutriţie a animalelor, precum şi cu normele de protejare a mediului din Republica Moldova şi UE. Procesele negative din sectorul zootehnic, fiind influenţate şi de nivelul redus al subsidiilor au cauzat probleme semnificative în asigurarea populaţiei cu produse de origine animalieră.
Livestock sector in the Republic of Moldova is extremely parceled and depends very heavily on production in the households of the population. Broad involvement of the households in the livestock production creates significant obstacles in terms of compliance with hygiene standards, animal nutrition, and environmental protection rules in the Republic of Moldova and the EU. Negative processes in the livestock sector, being influenced also by reduced subsidies have caused significant problems in providing the population with products of animal origin.
Livestock sector in the Republic of Moldova is extremely parceled and depends very heavily on production in the households of the population. Broad involvement of the households in the livestock production creates significant obstacles in terms of compliance with hygiene standards, animal nutrition, and environmental protection rules in the Republic of Moldova and the EU. Negative processes in the livestock sector, being influenced also by reduced subsidies have caused significant problems in providing the population with products of animal origin.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 184 (5 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. Recenzent: Rodica PERCIUN, dr., IEFS.
agricultura, sectorul animalier, politica agricola, subventii, agriculture, livestock, agricultural policy, subsidies, Republica Moldova, Republic of Moldova
IGNAT, Anatolie. Dezvoltarea sectorului animalier din Republica Moldova = Livestock sector development in the Republic of Moldova. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2011, nr. 2, pp. 179-184. ISSN 1857-4130.