Economie agro-alimentară și dezvoltare rurală
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Item Înzestrarea tehnică şi costurile serviciilor de mecanizare în sectorul agricol autohton(INCE, 2018) Bajura, TudorFuncţionarea sectorului agricol autohton în baza proprietăţii private asupra terenurilor agricole şi altor mijloace fixe a fost lansată la mijlocul anului 2000, odată cu finalizarea procesului de privatizare în masă a acestora. Tot începând cu vara anului 2000 are loc creşterea destul de dinamică şi, practic, fără de nici o întrerupere a volumului de investiţii în agricultură. S-a stabilizat, la nivelul mediu de 12,5%, şi ponderea agriculturii în PIB-ul ţării. Totodată, are loc exodul masiv al agricultorilor, în primul rând – persoanelor tinere, din agricultura şi spaţiul rural în întregime. În ritmuri alarmante scade natalitatea în spaţiul rural, drept consecinţă, numărul locuitorilor satelor moldoveneşti se micşorează de la an la an cu aproximativ 1,90 mii de persoane. Având în vedere cele susmenţionate, reieşind din faptul cu agricultura, alături de industria de prelucrare a materiei prime agricole, asigură producerea mai mult de jumătate din producţia - marfă a economiei naţionale, este foarte important ca sectorul agricol să fie bine dotat cu mijloacele tehnice moderne, capabile să asigură productivitatea înaltă a agricultorilor şi nivelul adecvat al rodniciei câmpurilor.Item De la consolidarea suprafeţelor agricole spre concentrarea capitalului şi creşterea productivităţii muncii(UASM, 2018) Bajura, TudorBeing the main subject of socio-economic reforms in the rural area at the transition from a super-centralized economy to the one based on market relations, agricultural land remained in the focus of local reformators and at the post-privatization stage. This time the issue of the non-admission of excessive particularization of agricultural land plots has become widely discussed, the negative consequences of which could have been destroy the positive effect of the mass privatization of both: agricultural areas and other means of production. The goal was reached. Almost 2/3 of the total agricultural output is currently the result of large and / or medium-sized agricultural enterprises. At the same time, according to the more detailed analysis, we can see that the area of cereal, technical and fodder crops predominates absolutely (almost 1460,6 thousand ha of the total 1519,5 thousand ha of sown areas) and relatively - 96,1%. The low added value of the overwhelming majority of cereal and technical crops, their subsequent marketing price (including foreign markets) in the form of agricultural raw materials, which usually barely covers even production costs, obviously do not create additional jobs in rural areas, but, above all, does not contribute to raising the level of profitability of the agrarian sector. Hence, the enormous debts of agricultural enterprises, the low level of occupation of the rural population, the massive emigration of the inhabitants of the Moldovan villages (primarily young people) in the cities and municipalities of the Republic of Moldova but also abroad. In essence, the consolidation of agricultural land has indeed contributed to the decrease in the share of idle land plots, but neither the expected economic effect has ensured. Hence the need to change the basic paradigm of the agrarian sector development, reflected in the name of article.Item Piaţa forţei de muncă în spaţiul rural pe calea de dispariţie(INCE, 2017) Bajura, TudorPiaţa forţei de muncă în spaţiul rural al Republicii Moldova în trecutul apropiat a fost apreciată ca una de dimensiuni mari, cu forţă relativ şi absolut ieftină de muncă, nivelul înalt de calificare şi profesionalism etc. La ziua de astăzi, însă, o mare parte din aprecierile trecute s-au învechit, iar piaţa muncii în mai multe localităţi rurale aproape că nu există. Nivelul scăzut de salarizare, apariţia surselor suplimentare de obţinere a veniturilor (darea în arendă a terenurilor agricole, reminiscenţele de la copii, plecaţi în străinătate, vânzarea terenurilor agricole etc.), plata muncii (deseori) în forma de grâu, porumb, floarea soarelui etc., au contribuit la deformarea relaţiilor clasice de piaţă. Ca consecinţă, fiind unul din cei mai mari producători de producţie – marfă (alături de industrie), sectorul agrar a rămas cu cel mai mic fond de salarizare, respectiv, fondul de pensionare în cadrul economiei naţionale. Fiind manifestate în masă aceste şi încă un şir întreg de alte fenomene socio-economice negative din spaţiul rural în perioada postprivatizaţională confirmă necesitatea implicării mai eficiente a organelor de stat de diferite nivele ierarhice cu scopul soluţionării adecvate a problemelor acumulate.Item Real estate market in rural area of the Republic of Moldova: actual condition and opportunities of development(INCE, 2017) Turetchi, Viorel; Borzdova, TatianaThe market of real estate objects in rural areas is an essential gear of Moldovan economy. The efficiency and effectiveness of this market has an impact on the agricultural sector development and living standards of rural residents. Currently, this area is very little studied, the research being conducted within the perimeter of land market activity. The purpose of this sudy is to determine the specific of the activity of the real estate objects market in rural areas of the Republic of Moldova, analyse the transactional business process of each group of real estate objects, as well as elucidate major issues which stagnate a more active development of this economic sector. Extensive knowledge of real estate objects market functioning as a whole in rural areas will enable the optimal solution to revive the agrarian economy and socio-economic revitalization of rural areas. While preparing this study, the following research methods have been used: analysis and synthesis, conceptual analysis of statistical data; analysis of dinamic lines, methods of comparison.Item Restructurarea economiei agrare şi spaţiului rural în condiţiile exodului masiv al braţelor de muncă(INCE, 2016) Bajura, Tudor; Turetchi, ViorelIn the article are described the needs to restructure both the economy of the agricultural sector and the socioeconomic stile of life in the rural entirely area under the influence of the massive exodus of labour in the last decades. It is proposed to be implemented variant of gentrification rural localities, having regard to the prospect of insurance centers gentrifications with all spectrum of infrastructure services, which, is virtually impossible for the inner territory of the whole rural settlements. Concurrently, submitted recommendations substantiated by the more efficient use of the existing potential of production through the implementation of modern technologies of production in the both: phyto and/or animal husbandry production of agricultural sector.Item Theoretical aspects of strategic management on enterprise of the agrarian sector of the economy(2012) Baranov, Elena; Stratan, AlexandruThe Management of agrarian enterprises in the conditions of market economy is impossible without a business planning at all of the levels: strategic, tactical and operational. In the authors' opinion, the strategic level is, which defines the main directions of development of enterprises, is the most important. The formation of market relations creates for enterprises the need of strategic management, a concept which is based on the development of strategies for the effective development of enterprises on long terms, provided stiff competition among manufacturers.Item Элементы методологии стратегического управления предприятиями аграрного сектора экономики Республики Молдова(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2012) Baranov, ElenaThe Article is dedicated to description elements to methodologies of strategic management on enterprise of theagrarian sector of the economy to Republic of Moldova. The Author, is organized analysis of the notional device of strategic management, in questions of the strategies in particular, methods of the analysis external and internal ambience, as well as using the adapted method ‘factors – activity – an object of the study’ in intercoupling with use the System of the Systems of the Balanced Factors (Balanced ScoreCard, BSC) at realization of strategic management of agro - industrial of the Republic of Moldova.