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Item Social exclusion and poverty in the European Union and candidate countries(PRO Universitaria, 2023) Gutium, Tatiana; Gojaeva, Elmira; Huseynova, ShahlaSocial exclusion and poverty are the research subject, and the main goal is to develop recommendations and solutions for social inclusion. Without assessing the risk of poverty and social exclusion in the member states of the European Union and the candidate countries and identifying the causes of poverty and social exclusion, it is impossible to develop solutions to reduce poverty, ensure social inclusion, and strengthen the targeted social policy. The analysis of the components of the AROPE indicator showed that the highest risk is monetary poverty, and the poverty rate directly depends on the level of economic development. The Granger causality test showed that in two candidate countries (Moldova and Montenegro) inequality leads to poverty with the probability of 5% and 10%. At the end of the study, recommendations are presented to combat poverty and ensure social inclusion.Item Analiza comparativă a legislației vamale în Republica Moldova și Uniunea Europeană(CEP USM, 2022) Gutium, MirceaThe interests of the Republic of Moldova are closely linked to the customs system and accession to the European Union. That is why understanding the two custom systems and harmonizing them is a step towards an easy transition into the European Union's customs system.Item Segregarea de gen pe piața forței de muncă a Republicii Moldova: măsurarea și analiza comparativă(INCE, 2017) Colesnicova, TatianaThe relevance of the research lies on the fact that gender equality on the labour market plays an important role in the economic development of Republic of Moldova. The trends of occupational and professional gender segregation in the Republic of Moldova are analyzed in the presented paper. Meanwhile, the changes, which have happened during the last years in the country, have strengthened unequal positions of men and women in employment. Therefore, the objective of the research is to evaluate the degree of vertical and horizontal gender segregation in Republic of Moldova and some EU countries and to compare the changes in time segregation between countries. The following methods have been used in the research: monographic, analogues, comparisons, statistics, etc. As a research result, there was obtained a calculation and analysis of the Duncan Index for each year from 2000 to 2015 to quantitatively estimative the occupational and professional segregation for Republic of Moldova and some EU countries. The international comparative analysis for levels of occupational and professional segregation has been also performed.Item Experienţa mondială privind perfecţionarea politicilor de reducere a ocupării informale(Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2017) Rojco, Anatolii; Stremenovscaia, ZoiaActualitatea temei este determinată de severitatea problemei ocupării informale și a eficienței scăzute a măsurilor pentru reducerea acesteia în Republica Moldova. Scopul acestei cercetări este de a evalua experiența mondială privind perfecţionarea politicilor de reducere a ocupării informale. În studiu au fost folosite următoarele metode: analogia, comparativă, monografică. Rezultatul studiului constă în evaluarea principiilor şi măsurilor de reducere a ocupării informale, utilizate în UE.Item Сравнительная оценка жилищных условий населения стран ЕС и Республики Молдова(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Hristiuc, LiuboviThe comparative evaluation of housing conditions of the population in the EU - 27 and the Republic of Moldova ispresented in the paper. The informational base for the analysis includes: the database of Eurostat of income andhousing conditions (EU - SILC) and the database of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. To determine the rate of poverty for the housing conditions used the relative poverty rate of 60% of the national median equivalent income. The obtained results show that housing conditions are very different in the EU member states and in the Republic of Moldova.Item Сравнительный анализ уровней относительной бедности в странах ЕС и Республике Молдова(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Rojco, Anatolii; Stremenovscaia, ZoiaThe features of statistical database formation, on the basis of which is estimated the relative poverty rate in the EU countries, are analyzed in the paper. The comparative analysis of the situation in the EU countries and Republic of Moldova testifies that the indicator of relative poverty rate in Moldova is above than in any EU country. At the same time, an extreme poverty rate in Moldova is below than in six EU countries.Item Dependenţa sărăciei de tipul gospodăriilor casnice în Republica Moldova şi ţările Uniunii Europene(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Vinogradova, ValentinaDemographic characteristics of households affect the entry/absence of households in poverty. Both in the Republic of Moldova and in the EU on the whole, four types of households are at risk to be in the group of the poor: one person households; households consisting of a single parent with children; households with many children and extended households with children, consisting of members of several generations.