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    Current situation and prospects of income and consumption expenditure of households with children in the Republic of Moldova
    (INCSMPS, 2019) Ciobanu, Mihail
    As is generally known, usually the households with children have some peculiarities that differentiate them from the households with no children. The presence and the dependent status of children from their parents or other significant adults in their households determine changes in the level and the structure of disposable income and consumption expenditure in the households. Republic of Moldova like other countries as well was affected by the so-called COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper the peculiarities of the current situation of households with children in Moldova are emphasized and analyzed based on their disposable income and consumption expenditure, using as a source of the statistical data the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova. Also, in the view of recent research on COVID-19 consequences, are outlined the prospects of the situation of households with children in Moldova.
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    Unele aspecte ale situației social-economice a copiilor din Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2019) Ciobanu, Mihail; Bumbu, Larisa
    Children and youth from the Republic of Moldova are among the most vulnerable groups to poverty. Poverty continues to affect traditionally vulnerable categories of the population. The poorest are families that depend on agricultural activities, older people, people without vocational education and skills, large households and those with many children. Children, as a whole, remain more vulnerable to poverty. For these social groups, specific initiatives are needed to overcome the impact of economic deprivation and social exclusion. This article analyzes the current socioeconomic situation of children in the Republic of Moldova based on the statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, demographically, with regard to juvenile crime, to the standard of living of the households with children, and to the state of children's health.
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    Ocuparea forţei de muncă ca un factor de inegalitate: cazul Republicii Moldova
    (2015) Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The influence of employment on the welfare of social inequality in the Republic of Moldova is analyzed in the paper. At the present stage of the Moldovan society development it is important to assess the impact of various factors on the inequality of consumer spending households in the country, which will allow developing the most effective measures for the modernization of economic and social policies. One of the major factors for reducing inequality and existence of the economic welfare in society is the possibility of people to be to be involved in the productive labor. Thus, being employed, the household members directly influence on the household’s revenue and exert a significant impact on livelihoods, both in rural and urban areas.
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    Влияние занятости на бедные домохозяйства Республики Молдова
    (2015) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Hristiuc, Liubovi
    The assessment of multidimensional poverty of poor households in the Republic of Moldova conform the main status of employment is analyzed in the paper. One of the major factors for reducing inequality and existence of the economic welfare in society is the possibility of people to be involved in the productive labor. Thus, being employed, the household members directly influence on the household’s revenue and exert a significant impact on livelihoods, both in rural and urban areas.
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    Evaluarea sărăciei multidimensionale după vârsta capilor gospodăriei casnice în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2015) Vinogradova, Valentina
    Probabilitatea intrării gospodăriei casnice în sărăcie depinde de existenţa mai multor factori, unul dintre care vizează caracteristicile individuale ale persoanelor care conduc aceste gospodării casnice. În articol se examinează impactul vârstei capului gospodăriei casnice asupra nivelului de sărăcie. Se evaluează nivelul de sărăcie a gospodăriilor casnice, calculat pe diferite criterii: sărăcia absolută, sărăcia relativă, sărăcia deprivativă şi sărăcia multidimensională.
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    Оценка уровня субъективной бедности в Республике Молдова
    (INCE, 2014) Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The subjective poverty line assessment in the Republic of Moldova using econometric multifactorial log-linear regression of Leiden, with subsequent analysis of the impact of disposable household net income and other socio-economic factors on the amount of minimum income is revealed in the article.
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    Влияние переводов из-за границы на неравенство в благосостоянии населения Республики Молдова
    (INCE, 2014) Stremenovscaia, Zoia
    One of the component parts of the households (HH) disposable income is the transfers from abroad. The analysis of their impact on inequality in households welfare in the temporal and territorial profiles is provides in this article.
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    Evaluarea inegalităţii accesului la serviciile de protecţie a sănătăţii
    (INCE, 2014) Ciobanu, Eleonora
    The analysis of changes in access to medical institutions which are following in the development of market relations in society and in the sphere of health protection is carried out in the article. The analysis is performed by the quintile groups I and V. Concluded, that the differentiation in access to medical institutions depending on the households location is saved. The causes of the current situation and proposals for its improving are done.
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    Analiza inegalităţii în utilizarea activelor economice ale gospodăriilor casnice din Moldova
    (INCE, 2014) Hristiuc, Liubovi
    The main economic assets as land and livestock are analyzed in the article. However, the majority of rural households do not have the necessary financial resources for the effective use of economic assets. Therefore, the availability of economic assets does not solve the problem of inequality in the households.
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    Dependenţa sărăciei de tipul gospodăriilor casnice în Republica Moldova şi ţările Uniunii Europene
    (Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Vinogradova, Valentina
    Demographic characteristics of households affect the entry/absence of households in poverty. Both in the Republic of Moldova and in the EU on the whole, four types of households are at risk to be in the group of the poor: one person households; households consisting of a single parent with children; households with many children and extended households with children, consisting of members of several generations.