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Item Îmbătrinirea populației și influența acesteia asupra pieței muncii(INCE, 2014) Pantea, LarisaMany countries face at the moment a serious demographic problem – the increase in the number of people over 65 years old correlated with a decrease in the number of young people. The process of population ageing sets challenges to the labour market, since it shortens the number of active population and increases the dependency ratio. As a result, workforce structure is affected. Authorities introduce measures to decline the negative effects of population ageing, for instance they raise the age of retirement, or try to operate some changes in the pension system, however the society is reluctant to these changes. The process has multiple aspects to be considered and their a lot of possible effects to be put in balance.Item Regional aspect of labour market: the case of Moldova("Constantin Brancoveanu" University of Pitesti, 2019) Savelieva, Galina; Zaharov, SvetlanaThe problem of population economic activity in the Republic of Moldova is actual in the conditions of population decline, population ageing and labour migration processes. The economic activity rate of work age population decreased by 2.1 percentage points(p.p.), and the employment rate, respectively, by 2.0 p.p., while the number of employed population decreased by 43.5 thousand people. At the same time, it should be noted that the share of employed population in economically active has practically not changed and amountsto 96%, that is, the average unemployment rate for this period varied between 4-5%.However, if we analyze the involvement of work age population in the regional aspect, then there are differences in these indicators, which is associated with the possibility of being employed, the existing socio-economic infrastructure, age-sex structure of population and other factors. Therefore, the evaluation of demo-socio-economic processes impact on labour market formation has of scientific and practical importance for determining the main strategic directions of stable long-term development of the country, which determines the actuality of topic.The purpose of research is to analyze the regional characteristics of labour market in conditions of changes in age-sex structure of labour market, the motives for the presence of non-working population that is not involved in labour market for any reason, including the youth of NEET, employment in urban-rural aspect, including the tendencies in labour market changes mun. Chisinau in regional aspect (mun. Chisinau, Center, South, North).Such methods as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, grouping, and a systematic approach will be used in the process of research. As a result of research, recommendations have been made to improve the efficiency of employment policies of work age population, which can be used by public officials, as well as students, doctoral students, and scientific researchers.Item Анализ потенциала рабочей силы в Республике Молдова(INCE, 2015) Savelieva, GalinaÎn articolul prezent sunt analizați indicatorii principali ai forței de muncă în baza datelor din Ancheta Forței de Muncă. Se constată scăderea numărului populației salariate, ratei de ocupare a forței de muncă, șomajul latent. Nivelul scăzut al salariilor a condus la micșorarea ponderii salariului în totalul veniturilor populației, provocând diminuarea funcției stimulative și motivaționale a salariului. Funcționalitatea imperfectă a pieței muncii contribuie la refluxul migrațional al populației în vârsta aptă de muncă etc. În baza datelor analizate se propun unele recomandări de perfecționare a politicilor în domeniu.