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Item Dezvoltarea și experiența europeană de implimentare a indicilui de îmbătrinire activă(INCE, 2014) Cusnir, LilianaThe Active Ageing Index (AAI) is a tool to measure the untapped potential of older people for active and healthy ageing across countries. It measures the level to which older people live independent lives, participate in paid employment and social activities as well as their capacity to actively age. The index is constructed from 22 individual indicators that are grouped into four distinct domains. Each domain presents a different aspect of measuring the untapped potential of older people for active and healthy ageing. The results of the AAI are presented in a country ranking by the overall AAI and the domain-specific indices. The ranking of countries might change depending on what are the results for the overall AAI or the domain-specific indices. AAI also offers breakdown of results by gender.Item The Active Ageing Index in the Republic of Moldova, 2020(INCE, 2021) Buciuceanu-Vrabie, MarianaIn 2020, the Active Ageing Index (AAI) for the Republic of Moldova scored 28.7 points out of 100, registering a slight increase compared with the first estimates of the Index made in 2016 (27.1 points). However, the general situation of the population improved modestly – over the past five years less than 1/3 of the human potential aged 55+ is enabled and has opportunities to have an active and healthy ageing.