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Item Effect of the non-observed economy on economic security in the Republic of Moldova(2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana; Savga, LarisaThe non-observed economy refers to economic activity that escaped state control. Economic agents have learned to circumvent the laws governing economic activity. The elements of the non-observed economy are shadow production, smuggling, informal employment, income hiding, and other types of tax evasion. Economic crimes could be divided into two groups. The first group is illegal activities caused by high taxes or inefficient legislation, and the second is activities that harm not only the country's economy but on society. One of the objectives of the research is an analysis of the main shadow sectors, including informal employment, contraventions that affect entrepreneurial activity, taxation, customs activity, and securities. Thus, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the nonobserved economy was carried out (case: Republic of Moldova). The main methods used are theoretical and empirical. The authors identified the causes of the non-observed economy and their impact on economic security and described methods to combat the shadow economy. Among the main reasons are the lack of jobs, the relatively high unemployment among young people, and inefficient legislation. One of the reasons for the non-observed economy is a way to make more money because illegal goods are rare and have a high cost. Often, the existence of a shadow economy is caused by the high level of corruption in the country. All the described cases of the non-observed economy negatively affect economic security.Item Experienţa mondială privind perfecţionarea politicilor de reducere a ocupării informale(Complexul Editorial, INCE, 2017) Rojco, Anatolii; Stremenovscaia, ZoiaActualitatea temei este determinată de severitatea problemei ocupării informale și a eficienței scăzute a măsurilor pentru reducerea acesteia în Republica Moldova. Scopul acestei cercetări este de a evalua experiența mondială privind perfecţionarea politicilor de reducere a ocupării informale. În studiu au fost folosite următoarele metode: analogia, comparativă, monografică. Rezultatul studiului constă în evaluarea principiilor şi măsurilor de reducere a ocupării informale, utilizate în UE.Item Атипичные формы занятости на современном рынке труда(IEFS, 2013) Colesnicova, TatianaThe different forms of atypical employment on the modern global labor market and its characteristics are analyzed in this paper. The motivation of widespread of specific forms of labor relations is provided. The features of atypical labour are revealed and also advantages and disadvantages, their tendencies are identified.Item Comparative evaluation of the labor markets development in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine(INCE, 2017) Blyzniuk, Victoria; Rojco, AnatoliiThe relevance of the article is due to the fact that the functioning of labour markets in the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine is facing a number of serious problems. Among them, the most acute are the problem of inefficient employment, the widespread informal employment, and the imperfect wage system. The aim of the research is to analyze the challenges and risks in the labour sphere of Moldova and Ukraine, to identify commonalities and differences in the process of transforming the labour markets of both countries, and to develop proposals for resolving the most acute problems. Information base of the research is represented by data of national statistics, international databases, legislative and normative acts. The authors are using the following methods: monographic, statistical, analogue based, and comparison based ones. They proposes various measures to bring the minimum wage to European standards, reduce the level of informal employment, and improve the system of social protection of the unemployed.