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    Situaţia actuală a pieţei forței de muncă din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2018) Rojco, Anatolii; Stremenovscaia, Zoia; Ivanov, Svetlana
    The actuality of this article is determined by the fact that the existing problems in the Republic of Moldova seriously affect the functioning of the labour market. In this context, the purpose of the article is to assess the current situation of the labour market and to identify the most pressing problems in its functioning. Are used the following methods: analogy, comparison, monographic, statistical. The main results of the study are the analysis of the dynamics of the active and employed population and of the activity and employment rate for the period 2013-2017; evaluation of the structure of the employed population by place of residence, sex, level of education, professional status, type of economic activity; the comparative analysis of the employment rate of the population of the Republic of Moldova and of some European countries.
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    Segregarea de gen pe piața forței de muncă a Republicii Moldova: măsurarea și analiza comparativă
    (INCE, 2017) Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The relevance of the research lies on the fact that gender equality on the labour market plays an important role in the economic development of Republic of Moldova. The trends of occupational and professional gender segregation in the Republic of Moldova are analyzed in the presented paper. Meanwhile, the changes, which have happened during the last years in the country, have strengthened unequal positions of men and women in employment. Therefore, the objective of the research is to evaluate the degree of vertical and horizontal gender segregation in Republic of Moldova and some EU countries and to compare the changes in time segregation between countries. The following methods have been used in the research: monographic, analogues, comparisons, statistics, etc. As a research result, there was obtained a calculation and analysis of the Duncan Index for each year from 2000 to 2015 to quantitatively estimative the occupational and professional segregation for Republic of Moldova and some EU countries. The international comparative analysis for levels of occupational and professional segregation has been also performed.
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    Analiza comparativă a ratingului Republicii Moldova în clasamentul mondial privind accesul la fondul locativ prin prisma indicelui dezvoltării sociale
    (INCE, 2017) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Moscalu, Olga
    Actualitatea temei constă în faptul că accesul la fondul locativ joacă un rol important în dezvoltarea social-economică a fiecărei țări, inclusiv a Republicii Moldova. Cercetarea dată analizează situația cu accesul la fondul locativ al cetățenilor Republicii Moldova şi situația în diferite țări. Prin urmare, scopul cercetării constă în analiza comparativă a Indicelui Dezvoltării Sociale în anul 2017 în general și anume a rating-ului accesului la fondul locativ. În studiu au fost utilizate următoarele metode de cercetare: monografică, comparaţia, tabelară, grafică, grupării, etc. Ca rezultat al studiului efectuat a fost analizată situația cu accesul la fondul locativ în Republica Moldova. De asemenea, a fost efectuată analiza comparativă pe plan internațional a rating-ului accesului la fondul locativ în Republica Moldova și pe unele țări ale lumii.
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    Comparative analysis of unemployment rates between the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 : challenges and perspectives
    (IEFS, 2012) Colesnicova, Tatiana
    The comparable trends of the unemployment rates in the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 during the period 2000- 2011 are analyzed in the paper. The main challenges of this phenomenon and further perspectives for the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 are outlined. The measures for the perfection of the politics for increasing the employment rate and decreasing the unemployment rate in the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 are offered.