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Item The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Moldovan labour market(INCSMPS, 2019) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Gutium, MirceaIn this paper are highlighted and analyzed the tendencies and the particularities of the labour market situation in the Republic of Moldova in the 2019 year and in the first quarter of 2020. The sources of statistical data used in the analysis are the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova and the results of the surveys of APIUS organization and IOM-UN Migration Agency. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic it’s consequences on the Moldovan labour market are evaluated and prospects of development of the situation are analyzed based on the approved national development strategy for the next decade and on the legislation on the remote work.Item Current situation and prospects of income and consumption expenditure of households with children in the Republic of Moldova(INCSMPS, 2019) Ciobanu, MihailAs is generally known, usually the households with children have some peculiarities that differentiate them from the households with no children. The presence and the dependent status of children from their parents or other significant adults in their households determine changes in the level and the structure of disposable income and consumption expenditure in the households. Republic of Moldova like other countries as well was affected by the so-called COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper the peculiarities of the current situation of households with children in Moldova are emphasized and analyzed based on their disposable income and consumption expenditure, using as a source of the statistical data the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova. Also, in the view of recent research on COVID-19 consequences, are outlined the prospects of the situation of households with children in Moldova.Item Energy Resource Tariffs as a Tool for Comparing and Influencing Macroeconomic Indicators and Competitiveness(IEEE, 2019) Gutium, Tatiana; Postolati, VitalieThe main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of the level of prices of energy resource on the main macroeconomic indicators and use energy efficiency indicators in estimating competitiveness. The authors have used follow methods of the study: comparative analysis, correlation and regression analysis. The database of the study includes statistical databank from the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, customs declarations of export and import of economic agents from Moldova, the database of the United Nations Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. This article defines the place of tariffs in the general structure of economic indicators. It is shown that an increase of tariffs leads to a decrease of the gross value added of finished products. The authors have proposed recommendations for changing tariff regulation. The new approach will contribute to the sustainable development of economic sectors, including the energy sector.Item Analiza comparativă a indicelui progresului social al Republicii Moldova(Artifex, 2018) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Gutium, MirceaIn the given paper the authors analyzed the Social Progress Index of the Republic of Moldova in comparison with other states, the indicators of influence, as well as the welfare of the population. In addition, the key problems facing the Republic of Moldova on the given land were highlighted, with the purpose of identifying the ways of imposing the socioeconomic growth amongthe citizens.Item Dinamica structurii indicatorilor de activitate a întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii după forme de proprietate și forme organizatorico-juridice în Republica Moldova(Artifex, 2018) Ciobanu, Mihail; Moscalu, OlgaThe SME sector comprises the majority of enterprises from Moldova, two-thirds of the country's employees and almost half of the turnover in all enterprises from Moldova. This article analyzes in recent years the dynamics of the structure of activity indicators of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Moldova. The following research methods have been used in this article: statistical data analysis, comparison, chain indices, graphs. The results showed in the SME sector according to the organizational-legal form of the enterprise, the increase of the share of the turnover in the limited liability companies and its reduction to the individual ones, to cooperatives and joint stock companies. Also, in the SME sector, according to the ownership form of the enterprise, the results showed the increase of the share of the turnover in the public companies and its decrease to the partially foreign and partially public ones, as well as the increase of the employees' weight in the case of the foreign companies and its reduction to partially foreign and partially public ones.Item Perfecţionarea sistemului de asigurări sociale în Republica Moldova: Constatări și soluții.(2015) Rojco, AnatoliiAsigurarea sociala obligatorie de stat permite de a acumula si repartiza echitabil resursele financiare, asigurand protectia sociala a lucratorilor si a membrilor familiilor lor in cazurile aparitiei riscurilor sociale corespunzatoare. Un rol important in crearea sistemelor nationale de asigurare sociala a avut Conventia OIM № 102 (a.1952), in care au fost determinate principalele tipuri de protectie sociala, categoriile populatiei, asupra carora se extinde protectia, precum si caracteristicile masurilor calitative si cantitative ale protectiei sociale.Item Влияние занятости на бедные домохозяйства Республики Молдова(2015) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Hristiuc, LiuboviThe assessment of multidimensional poverty of poor households in the Republic of Moldova conform the main status of employment is analyzed in the paper. One of the major factors for reducing inequality and existence of the economic welfare in society is the possibility of people to be involved in the productive labor. Thus, being employed, the household members directly influence on the household’s revenue and exert a significant impact on livelihoods, both in rural and urban areas.Item Problema excluziunii sociale a persoanelor vârstnice în Republica Moldova(2015) Garabajii, EcaterinaProblema diminuării excluziunii sociale este agravată pentru societăţile în tranziţie, precum Republica Moldova, întrucât dezideratul de a corespunde unui stil de trai al ţărilor dezvoltate se confruntă cu un nivel scăzut de prosperitate materială. Ca urmare, „ajungerea la o vârstă înaintată” se desfăşoară pe fondalul diminuării nivelului de bunăstare, deprivaţiunii sociale mulditimensionale şi a excluziunii sociale pronunţate a persoanelor vârstnice.Item Dinamica gradului de inegalitate și bunăstarea populaţiei Republicii Moldova(Î.S. „Tipografia Centrală”, 2017) Ivanov, SvetlanaIn this paper the analysis of degree of inequality in welfare of Moldovan population and the comparative analysis across countries were carried out. In the analysis the following indicators were used: the Gini coefficient (by disposable income and by consumer expenditures), the fund’s coefficients, the distribution of disposable income and consumer expenditures of households by quintiles. The result of the study shows the decrease of the degree of inequality in welfare of Moldovan population, which is confirmed by the decreasing trend of the Gini coefficient and the fund’s coefficients in the analyzed period.Item Situația social-economică a gospodăriilor casnice cu copii în Republica Moldova("Biotehdesign”, 2019) Ciobanu, MihailO gospodărie constă dintr-una sau mai multe persoane care locuiesc în aceeași locuință și care împărtășesc mâncarea. De asemenea, poate fi alcătuită dintr-o singură familie sau dintr-un alt grup de persoane. Gospodăria este unitatea de bază de analiză în multe modele sociale, microeconomice și guvernamentale și este importantă pentru economie. Un tip de gospodărie care poate să ajungă să fie social-vulnerabilă este cea cu copii, prin urmare situaţia social-economică a acesteia necesită o analiză aparte. În Republica Moldova date privind situaţia social-economică a gospodăriilor casnice sunt oferite de Biroul Naţional de Statistică prin intermediul Anchetei pentru Cercetarea Bugetelor Gospodăriilor Casnice (CGBC). Pentru a analiza situaţia social-economică a gospodăriilor casnice cu copii se vor lua în considerare modificările situației social-economice a acestor gospodării în 2017 față de 2006 (când s-a schimbat ultima dată metodologia CGBC).