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    Evoluția principalilor indicatori ai ocupării forței de muncă în sfera micului antreprenoriat din Republica Moldova
    (Artifex, 2018) Rojco, Anatolii; Ivanov, Svetlana; Stremenovscaia, Zoia
    The relevance of the topic lies on the fact that small entrepreneurs play an important role in the economic development of the Republic of Moldova. Meanwhile, the situation with employment in the area of small entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova has not received an adequate scientifically-proved assessment. That’s why, the objective of the article lies in appraisement process of the number and of small entrepreneurs’ number structure that represents both scientific and practical interest. In the research were used the following methods: monographic, analogues, comparisons, statistics, etc. As a research result, there was received an analysis of the number and structure of small entrepreneurs by criteria of: sex, place of residence, type of economic activity and location of work place.
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    Impactul nivelului cheltuielilor de consum ale gospodăriilor casnice asupra excluziunii sociale
    (2015) Stremenovscaia, Zoia; Garabajii, Ecaterina
    La pauvrete et l’exclusion sociale continuent d’affecter la societe moldave. Comme leur indicateur il est possible d’utiliser les indicateurs de depenses de consommation et leurs structures. Ces chiffres refletent suffisamment bien le niveau reel de vie de certains groupes de menages.
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    Analiza inegalităţii după sursele veniturilor disponibile și componentele cheltuielilor de consum
    (Î.S. „Tipografia Centrală”, 2017) Stremenovscaia, Zoia; Garabajii, Ecaterina
    Disposable incomes and consumption expenditures, as interrelated indicators which characterize both level of households’ well-being and the degree of their inequality. The average disposable incomes of households in our country exceed the average value of minimum subsistence per person. The largest share in the structure of disposable incomes is derived from employment. Analysis of quintile distribution across the country, as a whole, shows a threefold increase in the amount of disposable income in the V-th quintile group over the income of I-st quintile group. By areas, the largest inequality of disposable income is inherent more for cities. Households, located in cities, have the highest overall consumption expenditures per capita. The largest share in consumption expenditure for all areas consists of expenditures for food, as well as expenditures for household maintenance and dwelling equipment. The greatest inequality in consumption expenditures is also common for cities.
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    Principalele caracteristici ale sistemului de prestaţii sociale în Republica Moldova
    (IEFS, 2011) Rojco, Anatolii; Livitchi, Oxana; Hristiuc, Liubovi; Stremenovscaia, Zoia; Vinogradova, Valentina
    În articol se descriu tipurile prestaţiilor sociale stabilite prin lege. Este demonstrat, că prin plătirea pensiilor, a indemnizaţiilor pentru copii, compensaţiilor nominative la plata serviciilor comunal-locative, indemnizaţiile sociale în Moldova se asigură o anumită protecţie socială a populaţiei.
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    Perfection of the methodological approaches for calculating the subsistence minimum value
    (Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2014) Rojco, Anatolii; Stremenovscaia, Zoia
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    Situaţia actuală a pieţei forței de muncă din Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2018) Rojco, Anatolii; Stremenovscaia, Zoia; Ivanov, Svetlana
    The actuality of this article is determined by the fact that the existing problems in the Republic of Moldova seriously affect the functioning of the labour market. In this context, the purpose of the article is to assess the current situation of the labour market and to identify the most pressing problems in its functioning. Are used the following methods: analogy, comparison, monographic, statistical. The main results of the study are the analysis of the dynamics of the active and employed population and of the activity and employment rate for the period 2013-2017; evaluation of the structure of the employed population by place of residence, sex, level of education, professional status, type of economic activity; the comparative analysis of the employment rate of the population of the Republic of Moldova and of some European countries.
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    Основные меры по государственному регулированию потребительских цен в Республике Молдова
    (INCE, 2018) Rojco, Anatolii; Vinogradova, Valentina; Stremenovscaia, Zoia
    The article gives an estimation of the dynamics of the consumer price index. It is noted that the growth rates of prices for food products exceeded the increase in prices for non-food products and tariffs for services during the analyzed period. The principal measures for state regulation of consumer prices have been proposed. They will be implemented within the framework of anti-inflationary policy, social policy of smoothing down negative price effects, price and tariff policy.
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    Пенсионная реформа 2017 г. в Республике Молдова: оценка основных законодательных инноваций
    (INCE, 2018) Rojco, Anatolii; Heghea, Ecaterina; Stremenovscaia, Zoia
    В течение продолжительного времени для пенсионной системы Республики Молдова была характерна низкая эффективность (неадекватный уровень пенсий, высокое бремя финансирования пенсионной системы, ее финансовая неустойчивость). Ситуацию усугубил продолжающийся процесс старения населения, высокий уровень неформальной занятости, масштабная трудовая миграция. Эти и другие факторы крайне негативно сказались на функционировании пенсионной системы, объективно обусловив необходимость ее реформирования. Реформирование пенсионной системы было начато 1 января 2017 г. посредством реализации значительных изменений и дополнений в Закон о пенсиях государственного социального страхования № 156-XIV от 14 октября 1998 г. Успешное функционирование пенсионной системы в будущем во многом будет зависеть от глубокого анализа законодательных инноваций в пенсионной сфере и научно обоснованных рекомендаций по совершенствованию отдельных пенсионных норм. Между тем, в стране крайне мало научных работ, посвященных этой проблематике. Этим обусловлена актуальность темы данной статьи. Целью настоящего исследования является оценка законодательных инноваций при реализации пенсионной реформы 2017 г. и выявление тех проблем, которые требуют своего разрешения в будущем. В работе были использованы следующие методы: монографический, аналогов, сравнительный, статистический и др. Результаты исследования позволили проанализировать и дать оценку последствий основных изменений и дополнений в пенсионное законодательство.
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    Principalele tendinţe de dezvoltare a pieţei forţei de muncă in Republica Moldova
    (Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2016) Rojco, Anatolii; Garabajii, Ecaterina; Stremenovscaia, Zoia
    Actualitatea temei este determinată de procesele complexe care au loc pe piața muncii Republicii Moldova. Scopul studiului este de a identifica principalele tendințe de dezvoltare ale pieței muncii din Republica Moldova, prin intermediul efectuării analizei indicatorilor statistici, calculați pe baza metodologiei BIM. In studiul au fost utilizate următoarele metode: monografică, statistică, comparației, analogiilor. Rezultatul studiului este evaluarea pieții muncii din Republica Moldova.