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    Competitiveness of Moldova’s Agri-food Trade: Challenges and Perspectives
    (2023) Duca, Gheorghe; Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana
    One of the conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the national economy of Moldova is the promotion of the export of competitive goods. Considering that the Republic of Moldova is mainly relying on its agri-food sector, and it was granted the status of a candidate country for accession to the European Union, the object of research is the Competitiveness of Moldova’s Agrifood Trade. The principal purpose of this study is to determine the directions for modernizing the structure of the agri-food complex to increase its competitiveness in the context of deepening the integration processes in the European space. The authors assessed the trends and prospects for the trade of food products and agricultural raw materials between Moldova and European Union countries. In this aim statistical and econometric methods were applied. The results of the study showed that a promising direction in the development of economic relations between Moldova and the European Union was the formation of clusters with a high potential for competitiveness. For a better integration into the European food products market with minimal loss, there is a strong need in establishing direct economic links and implementation of joint investment projects.
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    Challenges and incentives for the growth of the competitiveness of the Moldovan economy
    (“Baku Business University”, 2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana
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    Effect of the non-observed economy on economic security in the Republic of Moldova
    (2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana; Savga, Larisa
    The non-observed economy refers to economic activity that escaped state control. Economic agents have learned to circumvent the laws governing economic activity. The elements of the non-observed economy are shadow production, smuggling, informal employment, income hiding, and other types of tax evasion. Economic crimes could be divided into two groups. The first group is illegal activities caused by high taxes or inefficient legislation, and the second is activities that harm not only the country's economy but on society. One of the objectives of the research is an analysis of the main shadow sectors, including informal employment, contraventions that affect entrepreneurial activity, taxation, customs activity, and securities. Thus, a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the nonobserved economy was carried out (case: Republic of Moldova). The main methods used are theoretical and empirical. The authors identified the causes of the non-observed economy and their impact on economic security and described methods to combat the shadow economy. Among the main reasons are the lack of jobs, the relatively high unemployment among young people, and inefficient legislation. One of the reasons for the non-observed economy is a way to make more money because illegal goods are rare and have a high cost. Often, the existence of a shadow economy is caused by the high level of corruption in the country. All the described cases of the non-observed economy negatively affect economic security.
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    Econometric assessment of the impact of economic indicators on the non-observed economy of the Republic of Moldova
    (INCE, 2022) Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana
    The non-observed economy is an integral part of the modern economic system, representing a threat to economic security in conditions of slow stagnation. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the identification of factors influencing the non-observed economy makes it possible to develop proposals to combat this phenomenon. At the same time, some problems in econometrically modeling the dependence of the non-observed economy on socio-economic indicators are highlighted. The novelty and purpose of the study is the construction of models with one equation, where the endogenous variable is the level of the non-observed economy in value terms and the share of the non-observed economy in GDP. The main research methods are regression analysis and economic and mathematical modeling. At the first step of the study, the identified main factors of influence that determine the size of the shadow economy in twenty-eight countries of the world were systematized. In the next step, exogenous variables were identified based on the statistical data published by the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova. The econometric analysis software EViews 9 was used to develop the models of the dependence of the non-observed economy in Moldova on socio-economic indicators. Single-equation models were tested and checked first-order and second-order autocorrelation of the regression errors and heteroscedasticity. The constructed models showed that the growth of the main sectors of the national economy and an increase in the unemployment rate lead to the growth of the non-observed economy in Moldova, while the rise in foreign trade turnover, namely imports, negatively affects the endogenous variable. There is a negative relationship between the freight turnover and the level of the non-observed economy.