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    Дети оставшиеся без попечения родителей: тенденции, риски и проблемы их решения в Республике Молдова
    (Институт бизнеса БГУ, 2019) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Iatisin, Tatiana
    В условиях ухудшающейся социально- экономической ситуации в стране, а также неясность в отношении ее будущего направления развития многие граждане подчас впадают в состояние стресса и это, конечно, не может не отразиться на детях. На современном этапе развития страны, многие люди сталкиваются с такими серьезными проблемами, как бедность, нищета, наркомания, алкоголизм, низкие доходы, нестабильность финансовой системы, моральная деградация, безвыходность, которые в свою очередь ведут к росту уровня миграции, увеличению числа разводов, насилию в семье и как результат — дети, оставшиеся без попечения родителей.
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    Analiza și tendințele privind infracţiunea în Republica Moldova
    (INCE, 2016) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Iatisin, Tatiana
    In this paper is analyzed Moldova's situation in the field of offences are identified its current trends. The actuality of this research results from the situation of criminality in the Republic of Moldova, especially in such segments as: crimes against life and health of the person, crimes of sexual life, crimes against property, offenses against public health and social coexistence, crimes against family and minors, economic crimes, crimes against public security and public order. The purpose of the paper consists in the analysis of criminality situation in Moldova and in identifying its characteristic trends. In elaboration of this paper were used the following research methods: analysis, grouping, graphs. The following results are obtained: identification and analysis of criminality trends in Moldova in the Second Quarters of past years by different segments.
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    Remunerarea muncii in Republica Moldova: analiză și tendințe
    (INCE, 2016) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Iatisin, Tatiana
    In this paper is analyzed Moldova's experience in the field of labor remuneration and are identified its current trends. The actuality of this research topic results from the bleak economic reality faced by the Republic of Moldova, especially in labor remuneration area. The purpose of the paper consists in the analysis of labor remuneration in Moldova and in identifying its characteristic trends. In elaboration of this paper were used the following research methods: analysis, comparison, grouping, graphs. The following results are obtained: identification and analysis of labor remuneration trends in Moldova in the past year by economic activity and economic sectors.
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    Analiza cadrului legislativ al Republicii Moldova privind turismul viti-vinicol
    (INCE, 2014) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Iatisin, Tatiana
    Tourism is an economic sector, competitive and balanced developed, which effectively exploits the country's representative heritage, promotes moldovan hospitality at high standards, ensures leisure diversity of citizens. The main normative acts and development strategies of the wine tourism has been analyzed. Some problems in this domain are relevant.
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    Analiza dezvoltării turismului vitivinicol în lume
    (INCE, 2014) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Iatisin, Tatiana
    În acest articol este redată analiza situaţiei în sectorul viti-vinicol şi turismul viti-vinicol (enotourism) în multe ţări ale lumii. De asemenea, unele cifre ale Indexului al competitivităţii sectorului de Călătorii şi Turism şi opiniile experţilor bine cunoscute în lume din acest domeniu sunt efectuate.