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Item International experience concerning the special instruments in unemployment assistance(INCE, 2022) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Doga, ValeriuThe implementation of various special instruments relating to unemployment assistance is analyzed in this scientific paper. The main focus is on analyzing the main ILO instruments as normative activities concerning unemployment allowances. The first instruments concerning unemployment assistance is the Unemployment Provision Convention No. 44 adopted in 1934 and the Unemployment Provision Recommendation No. 44 adopted in 1934 as instruments on social security. The second instrument is the Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention No. 168 adopted in 1988 and the Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Recommendation No. 176 adopted in 1988. The legislative acts adopted after increasing the level of protection offered and expanded the concept of social security to include additional forms of social assistance and services. There is a high importance on the ratification and implementation of the main of these legislative acts and recommendations for all countries and for the Republic of Moldova. Several research methods have been used in the elaboration of this work: monograph, analysis, synthesis, statistics, comparison, etc. This paper has been developed within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of projects in the field of science and innovation of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 Project State Program ”Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative instruments aimed at sustainably increasing the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova”.Item International experience on childcare leave practices from a gender-based perspective(INCE, 2019) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Ghenadie; Ciobanu, MihailIn contemporary society, women express more often the desire to be active in the labour market than in previous centuries. At the same time, in addition to the status of employees or entrepreneurs, as a rule, throughout the life they also acquire the status of mother. The need to care for the child during its early lifeby the mother, in particular, but also by the father of the child, is recognized in society by both the state andthe business environment, although to a different extent, which, besides the possibilities that these entities can offer to the mother and to the father, but also to other people who have a role in the care of the child, determine a wide variety of schemes of measures in this regard. The purpose of this article is to analyze the international experience of different countries and companies in offering such measures in terms of gender. The research methods used are: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, statistical indices, etc. In addition to paternity and maternity leave, as well as shared parental leave and other types of childcare leave, such as grandparental leave, were identified. After highlighting the practices of various companies that take seriously the need to help parents with childcare, it is clear that successful companies are much more generous in this regard than the state in developed economies, an inverse situation compared to weaker economies such as those from Africa or those from Eastern Europe or Central Asia.Item Legal restrictions for women on labour market in ex-USSR countries in the context of fostering gender equality(INCE, 2018) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, MihailIn this paper is analyzed the current situation of the main legal restrictions to labour market for women in ex-USSR countries that directly impact gender equality. The actuality of this topic stems from the fact that promoting gender equality and empowerment of women is one of millennium goals of UN established in 2000, an objective that had to be attained in 2015. Now, after nearly two decades have passed it would be useful to see the degree of attainment of this goal in postsovietic countries. The purpose of the paper is to see the actual state of the promotion of gender equality and its particularities in the ex-USSR countries. In the paper the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis, synthesis and comparison. The results have shown that there are still many legal restrictions for women on labour market in ex-USSR countries and they still have a long way on the path to gender equality, even though Baltic states are ahead.Item Segregarea de gen pe piața forței de muncă a Republicii Moldova: măsurarea și analiza comparativă(INCE, 2017) Colesnicova, TatianaThe relevance of the research lies on the fact that gender equality on the labour market plays an important role in the economic development of Republic of Moldova. The trends of occupational and professional gender segregation in the Republic of Moldova are analyzed in the presented paper. Meanwhile, the changes, which have happened during the last years in the country, have strengthened unequal positions of men and women in employment. Therefore, the objective of the research is to evaluate the degree of vertical and horizontal gender segregation in Republic of Moldova and some EU countries and to compare the changes in time segregation between countries. The following methods have been used in the research: monographic, analogues, comparisons, statistics, etc. As a research result, there was obtained a calculation and analysis of the Duncan Index for each year from 2000 to 2015 to quantitatively estimative the occupational and professional segregation for Republic of Moldova and some EU countries. The international comparative analysis for levels of occupational and professional segregation has been also performed.Item Aspectele reglementării juridice în sectorul bancar: experiența internațională(INCE, 2016) Colesnicova, TatianaÎn lucrarea dată este analizată experiența internațională în reglementarea juridică a sectorului bancar. Actualitatea acestei teme de cercetare reiese din realitatea cu care se confruntă întregul sistem financiar-bancar mondial. Scopul lucrării constă în cercetarea situației în sectorul financiar-bancar mondial în baza analizei reglementării juridice a acestui sector. În procesul de elaborare a prezentei lucrări au fost utilizate următoarele metode: analiza comparativă, analiza juridică, sinteza, analiza logică. Sunt prezentate rezultatele celor mai importante iniţiative globale pentru o reglementare mai eficientă a sistemului financiar-bancar mondial: înăsprirea prevederilor Directivei Uniunii Europene „privind piețele instrumentelor financiare” (МiFIDDirective), Legea Dodd-Frank pentru reforma Wall-Street și Legea privind Protecția Consumatorilor, Cerinţele faţă de nivelul de capital potrivit Acordului Basel III și Legea americană privind disciplina fiscală cu privire la proprietarii de conturi din străinătate (FATCA).Item Analiza dezvoltării turismului vitivinicol în lume(INCE, 2014) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Iatisin, TatianaÎn acest articol este redată analiza situaţiei în sectorul viti-vinicol şi turismul viti-vinicol (enotourism) în multe ţări ale lumii. De asemenea, unele cifre ale Indexului al competitivităţii sectorului de Călătorii şi Turism şi opiniile experţilor bine cunoscute în lume din acest domeniu sunt efectuate.