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Item Initiatives for children in difficulty from business during the Covid-19 pandemic(Artifex, 2021) Ciobanu, Mihail; Colesnicova, TatianaThe accumulation during the COVID-19 pandemic of ecological, institutional crises, trade barriers, increasing debt, economic, political, social, financial or other challenges have strongly affected vulnerable groups of the population, especially children in difficulty due to their dependence on significant adults (parents, guardians, guardians). In order to reduce the negative impact on such population groups, various entities (state authorities, NGOs, international organizations) have implemented relief and recovery measures. The business sector, which is not usually considered a traditional support provider, has also contributed to such efforts. This paper aims to present a review of business initiatives to support children in difficulty during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is found that a significant part of companies especially prefer to donate to charities specializing in supporting children in difficulty.Item The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Moldovan labour market(INCSMPS, 2019) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Gutium, MirceaIn this paper are highlighted and analyzed the tendencies and the particularities of the labour market situation in the Republic of Moldova in the 2019 year and in the first quarter of 2020. The sources of statistical data used in the analysis are the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova and the results of the surveys of APIUS organization and IOM-UN Migration Agency. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic it’s consequences on the Moldovan labour market are evaluated and prospects of development of the situation are analyzed based on the approved national development strategy for the next decade and on the legislation on the remote work.Item Evaluarea percepției populației asupra modificărilor cheltuielilor de consum privind medicina și ocrotirea sănătății în municipiul Chisinău în perioada pandemică(Artifex, 2021) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Timus, AndreiThe COVID-19 pandemic motivated the implementation of restrictive measures that negatively affected economic activity, and therefore the income of the population, which in turn influenced both involuntarily and voluntarily the reduction of consumer spending. Along with other countries, the Republic of Moldova has been affected by this pandemic and the restrictions that have been established. This article will present the results of the analysis of data from a sociological questionnaire conducted to assess the perception of the population of Chisinau Municipality in the Republic of Moldova on changes in their consumption expenditures on medicine and health care during the pandemic. The results of the research showed that a significant part of the respondents increased their expenses for over-the-counter medicines, vitamins and nutritional supplements and for prescription drugs.Item The impact of COVID-19 on the dwelling sector in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2020) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, MihailThe COVID-19 pandemic has had major consequences for most areas of human activity, including construction, and in particular for the dwellig sector. In this article we try to highlight the recent trends in the development of the housing sector in the Republic of Moldova and how it was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The data of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, the surveys conducted by a number of organizations in the country, as well as data from the authors' own survey are used as sources of statistical data. The obtained results showed that the number of commissioned dwellings has decreased, including their total surface and also in urban and rural areas and in all regions of the country, while the costs of the dwellings didn’t have significant changes. The number of purchased dwellings in the framework of government program “Prima casa” has increased. While for the most part people declared that they didn’t spend more during the pandemic period for products and services related to the dwellings, an important share of them increased their expenditures for construction and renovation of the dwelling and the purchase of real estate.Item Evolution of disposable incomes and consumption expenditures of the population in the Republic of Moldova during the pandemic period.(Artifex, 2021) Ciobanu, Mihail; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Savcenco, SilviaRestrictive measures following the COVID-19 pandemic adverselyaffected the well-being of the population, so that the disposable income of the population and their consumption expenditures suffered. One year has already passed since the first restrictive measures established in the Republic of Moldova. During this period, a series of researches were carried out to establish the evolution of these basic components of the population's wellbeing, such as disposable income and consumption expenditures. This article provides an analysis of statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova on these indicators, and also on data from a questionnaire conducted by authors the previous year on the evolution of population perception on changes in consumer spending during the pandemic. Research results have shown that the population has prioritized spending on basic goods over other goods and services.Item Impactul pandemiei Covid-19 in contextul modificarilor structurale din sectorul agricol al Republicii Moldova(Artifex, 2021) Doga, Valeriu; Tirigan, Sergiu; Colesnicova, TatianaIn this paper, it is examined the potential impact of the Covid 19 pandemy, aggravated by the severe draught from 2020 in the context of tendencies of structural modifications in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova. There are examined, in an evolutionary perspective, determining factors of a crisis with negative long-term impact, on the basis of the situation recorded in 2020, and which affects especially the small and middle-size producers. They refer the problem of access to market, access to finance and vulnerability in the face of natural hazards, and also the cumulated defficiencies, at the level of the system of policies and regulations that affect the intervention capacity and the efficiency of the support granted to the agricultural sector.Item Swot analysis of information technologies contribution to work organization in the pandemic Covid-19 period(Artifex, 2020) Colesnicov, Alexandru; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Malahov, LudmilaThe work presents the result of an analysis of existing information technologies for organizing remote work in the context of the COVID-19pandemic. As an example, we considered table of eight free available featuresfor seven shareware services that provide communication capabilities,namely, conferencing, meetings, education, and monitoring. The necessary contribution from IT, management, and economic science arepresented. SWOT analysis was performed to explain ZOOM Platform popularity. Recommendations were proposed to avoid loss of ZOOM usersattracted during pandemic.Item Contribution of information technologies to work organization at the COVID-19 pandemic(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2020) Colesnicov, Alexandru; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Malahov, LudmilaThe article presents the result of an analysis of existing information technologies for organizing remote workin the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an example, we considered table of eight free available features for seven shareware services that provide communication capabilities, namely, conferencing, meetings, education, and monitoring. The necessary contribution from IT, management, and economic science are presented.Item Moldovan residential sector during COVID-19 crisis(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2020) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, MihailThis paper contains an analysis of the trends of development of residential sector in the Republic of Moldova during COVID-19 crisis, covering the first three quarters of 2020. It shows a reduction of dwellings put into operation, a small change in the dwellings’ prices and an expense increase for house reconstruction and renovation, real estate or mortgage acquisition for a small share of people.