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Item Comparative study on the global efficiency in the agriculture of Romania and the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2022) Ursu, AnaThe study examines the global economic efficiency in the agriculture of Romania and Moldova for the period 2014-2021. To assess the economic efficiency, the output-input analysis method was used. Global economic efficiency is analyzed through the resulting value indicators: gross added value, the value of intermediate consumption, the evolution of producers' incomes, gross fixed capital formation, net fixed capital formation, as well as labor productivity. The results of the analyzes show that the agricultural sectors in the two countries reach different levels of efficiency, especially those in Moldova, and that the main factors that influence the level of global economic efficiency, corresponding to the analyzed output indicators, are: production yields, intermediate consumption, input prices and outputs, the level of technological development, salary income, labor force, inflation, weather conditions, etc. The major findings showed that the agricultural sector in the two countries faces similar major challenges, what differs is the size and economic size of agrarian production structures and that agricultural activity takes place in different political environments.Item Current state, obstacles and opportunities for the development of the Champignon mushroom production industry in the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2022) Turetchi, ViorelDue to their nutritional and economic value, champignon mushrooms are appreciated by both consumers and domestic agricultural entrepreneurs. The ability of this culture to provide up to five - six harvests during the year, the constant demand on the local market for the given product, reflects, at first sight, guaranteed economic successes for potential mushroom producers. However, the specifics of the local market, as well as the technical and material conditions available for carrying out the production process in the conditions of the Republic of Moldova, carry a series of risks that can seriously compromise the success of the given business. The purpose of this work is to confirm the economic advantage of producing champignon mushrooms in the conditions of our country, to reflect the necessary technological measures to be implemented, the risks that may arise in the production process. General research methods (empirical and theoretical methods) were used in the preparation of the report, the analysis of statistical data reflecting the dynamics of the foreign and local markets was widely applied. The report presents both the analysis of the statistical data and the derived conclusions, and the effects are interpreted through the lens of promoting agricultural products with a high economic value. The results of the report present the dynamics of the local mushroom production sector, development opportunities and measures to make the field more efficient.Item Development of sour cherry production in the Republic of Moldova(INCE, 2023) Ceban, Alexandru; Lucasenco, EugeniaSour cherries represent one of the most important Moldovan fruits grown in the Republic of Moldova, with a great potential for modernization and further development of production. There is noticed a slow grow in terms of surface, as well as production and averge yield per hectare for sour cherries. At the same time, exports account for about 19% of the total production. Compared to world exports, sour cherry production in the Republic of Moldova possesses a very high Revealed Comparative Advantage index. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to carry out an analysis of sour cherry production in the Republic of Moldova, to analyze the current situation, development trends as well as the degree of international competitiveness for the given product with respect to the world trade. Thus, the research methods selected and used for the given article refer to the analytical, descriptive, comparative method, as well as through the Revealed Comparative Advantage indicator. Although the demand for sour cherries is increasingm, there are some existing issues in the field that need to be addressed in order to have a successful horticultural business. At the same time, the paper presents a specific argumentation for the existence of a development potential of this sub-sector in order to persuade farmers to get engaged in this specific activity.Item Dezvoltarea culturii porumbului în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2022) Zbancă, Andrei; Negritu, GhenadiePorumbul face parte din grupul culturilor, tehnice de câmp și constituie unul dintre sectoarele de bază din Republica Moldova. Articolul oferă o analiză cuprinzătoare a stării actuale de dezvoltare a ramurii cultivării porumbului, a utilizării producției și a comerțului cu boabe de porumb. O atenție deosebită se acordă în articol analizei eficienței economice a cultivării porumbului cu aplicarea diferitor scheme de erbicidare a culturilor. Autorii au elaborat bugete pentru fiecare schemă de erbicidare și au comparat rezultatele economice și nivelul de profitabilitate. Pe baza cercetărilor și analizelor efectuate au fost formulate concluzii strategice pentru dezvoltarea durabilă a ramurii porumbului, care necesită a fi implementate de către producătorii agricoli și alți operatori pentru a spori eficiența economică pe tot lanțul valoric. Кукуруза входит в группу сельскохозяйственных культур, техническая культура и является одним из основных секторов в Республике Молдова. В статье приводится комплексный анализ состояния развития отрасли выращивания кукурузы, использования кукурузного производства и торговли. Особое внимание в статье уделено анализу экономической эффективности возделывания кукурузы с применением различных схем гербицидов по возделыванию культуры. Авторы разработали бюджеты для каждой схемы применения гербицидов и сравнили экономические результаты и уровень рентабельности. На основе исследований и анализа были сделаны стратегические выводы для устойчивого развития кукурузной отрасли, которые должны быть реализованы сельхозпроизводителями и другими операторами ценовой цепочки для повышения экономической эффективности. Maize is part of the group of crops, technical crops and is one of the basic sectors in the Republic of Moldova. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of development of the maize cultivation branch, the use of maize production and trade. Particular attention is paid in the article to the analysis of the economic efficiency of maize cultivation with the application of different crop herbicide schemes. The authors developed budgets for each herbicide scheme and compared the economic results and the level of profitability. Based on research and analysis, strategic conclusions have been drawn for the sustainable development of the maize branch, which need to be implemented by agricultural producers and other operators in order to increase economic efficiency throughout the value chain.Item Evolution of the Republic of Moldova's Non-Observed Economy(AGEPI, 2017) Ganciucov, Valentina; Ceban, Alexandru; Gutium, TatianaEvolution of the Republic of Moldova‘s Non-Observed Economy. In this article are described the types, elements and methods of assessment of the Non-Observed Economy. In addition, is analyzed the dynamics of informal sector production, hidden production of formal sector and production of households for own final use in the Republic of Moldova. The authors have analyzed the Non-Observed Economy of EU countries and other groups of countries. It is evaluated the level of the shadow economy and calculated losses of the state budget on basis of research and using the inter-branch balance.Item Forecasting production of domestic goods and main macroeconomic indicators(INCE, 2018) Ganciucov, Valentina; Gutium, Tatiana; Ceban, AlexandruManaging both the modern state and the enterprises is impossible without forecasting and elaborating several development scenarios that would take into account the available resources and reflect the most likely results. The forecast has become a part of daily life and a fundamental tool for assessing development prospects. Therefore, the task of improving the economic-mathematical model for the development of forecasts is relevant, especially in modern conditions, when the national economy is subject to many factors, both external and internal. The main goal of the research is to forecast the production of domestic goods and the main macroeconomic indicators using the economic-mathematical model adapted by authors to the new conditions for the development of the Moldovan economy, considering that the share of the non-observed economy in 2016 is less than in the previous year, but remains significant. The main methods used in this study: the "input-output" method, econometric methods of research and forecasting, regression analysis, the method of analytical calculation, the method of mathematical modelling of economic processes. Using the adapted model and taking into account the processes established in the national economy, forecast interbranch balances for 2018 were developed in the division of goods, integrated into five branches of national economy, and forecasts of the main macroeconomic indicators for the Republic of Moldova were developedItem Globalization: the post-Covid(INCE, 2022) De Blasio, VeronicaGlobalization creates job opportunities but can also lead to decreased employment in some sectors as competition between companies increases, which can lead to closures, relocations and job losses. Managing globalization to get the best of it is a priority of the European Union also for the creation of a social Europe that helps those who have lost their jobs to find another. In fact, the jobs created directly or indirectly supported by EU exports are constantly growing. Globalization can cause the loss of jobs as one of the most destabilizing aspects for workers in the era of globalization is the tendency to relocate material production. The absence of restrictions on the circulation of goods and capital implies the possibility of being able to transfer production from one country to another in order to find the greatest return on capital, that is, greater entrepreneurial profits. Until a few years ago, it was only large multinationals that relocated production, currently, this process is also spreading to medium-sized companies and small businesses, which transfer to other countries or single segments of the production chain, or the entire work process, shutting down or drastically reducing their national production. The most vulnerable sectors are characterized by a prevalence of low-skilled jobs: these are the textile, clothing and footwear, metallurgy and manufacturing industries. The study shows that the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to bring the production of some essential sectors and products, such as medicines, back to Europe.Item The importance of potato production in the Republic of Serbia in order to emphasizing the rural development(IEFS, 2012) Savic, Aleksandra; Ugrinovic, Milan; Jovanovic, MarijanaThe rural areas in Republic of Serbia are areas whose main physical and geographical characteristics are using of land for the agricultural production and they amount 85% od total area. Agricltural production is the dominant activity. Major number of households disposes with a low cultivated land, acheves a low rate of productivity and profit. Potato is one of the main cultivated crops, both in areas where it is grown, as well as on importance for human consumption and processing industry. Because of the pronounced tendency of decline in average yields, there was an overall drop in production volume. which meets domestic consumption. Annual exports are 1%, mainly in countries in the region. After eradication of potato ring rot, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. sepedonicus, the European Commission has approved the export of potatoes to the EU market, which can be a significant incentive for greater investment in potato production. In this paper, the importance of the potato for rural development and emphasizing the production technology is presented with special accent on plant protection as an important factor in the production of this crop.Item Importnța diversificării agriculturii Republicii Moldova în condițiile geopolitce actuale(INCE, 2023) Turetchi, ViorelEconomic, political and social crises, as well as frequent natural disasters, have a significant impact on agricultural entrepreneurial activity. The chronic lack of financial and labour resources, the modernization and slow implementation of innovative production technologies, as well as the low level of professional training of specialists in the respective field have significantly limited the range of agricultural crops grown in our country. As a result, cereal crops of the first and second groups are grown on two-thirds of the total arable area, technical crops - about a third, and vegetables and other oil crops occupy tiny areas. The given structure guarantees annually the obtaining of quantities of grain that exceed two to three times what is needed to provide for the population of our country. Therefore, this grain surplus is exported to foreign markets as a raw material, the realization price being very low. At the same time, in the context of the war in Ukraine, the international market is oversaturated with grain production of Ukrainian origin, transited through the territory of our country and sold at low prices. Consequently, domestic farmers found themselves unable to produce even at the respective prices. The given situation perfectly reflects the vulnerability of the narrow specialization of the domestic agricultural sector, the lack of a genuine value chain, the inability to maintain a high level of production, emphasizing, at the same time, the need to diversify the national agricultural sector.Item Moldovan Economic Trends no 6 (Q II, 2012)(Complexul Editorial al IEFS, 2012) Stratan, Alexandru; Chistruga, Marcel; Rojco, Anatolii; Fala, Alexandru; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Clipa, Victoria; Septelici, Viorica; Vragaleva, Veronica; Novac, Alexandra; Lucasenco, Eugenia; Golea, Violeta; Gribincea, Corina; Toaca, ZinoviaThe Moldovan Economic Trends is a quarterly publication, produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Institute of Economy, Finance and Statistics and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.Item Moldovan Economic Trends, no 12 (Q IV, 2013)(INCE, 2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia; Cara, Oleg; Timofei, Olga; Vragaleva, Veronica; Septelici, Viorica; Clipa, Victoria; Gribincea, Corina; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Toaca, Zinovia; Olarescu, Zaharia; Gagauz, OlgaItem Moldovan Economic Trends, no 13 (Q I, 2014)(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2014) Stratan, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia; Cara, Oleg; Timofei, Olga; Gribincea, Corina; Popa, Viorica; Novac, Alexandra; Vragaleva, Veronica; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Clipa, VictoriaThe „Moldovan Economic Trend” is a quarterly publication produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.Item Moldovan Economic Trends, no 16 (Q IV, 2014)(INCE, 2014) Stratan, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia; Cara, Oleg; Timofei, Olga; Vragaleva, Veronica; Popa, Viorica; Clipa, Victoria; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ceban, Alina; Toaca, Zinovia; Olarescu, ZahariaThe „Moldovan Economic Trend” is a quarterly publication produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.Item Moldovan Economic Trends, no 20 (Q IV, 2015)(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2015) Stratan, Alexandru; Olarescu, Zaharia; Toaca, Zinovia; Ceban, Alexandru; Ceban, Alina; Timofei, Olga; Popa, Viorica; Fala, Victoria; Iatisin, Tatiana; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, TatianaItem Moldovan Economic Trends, no 24 (Q IV, 2016)(INCE, 2016) Stratan, Alexandru; Ceban, Alexandru; Olarescu, Zaharia; Timofei, Olga; Cociug, Victoria; Iatisin, Tatiana; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Toaca, ZinoviaItem Moldovan Economic Trends, no 25 (Q I, 2017)(INCE, 2017) Stratan, Alexandru; Ceban, Alexandru; Olarescu, Zaharia; Timofei, Olga; Cociug, Victoria; Iatisin, Tatiana; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, TatianaItem Moldovan Economic Trends, no 27 (Q III, 2017)(INCE, 2017) Stratan, Alexandru; Ianioglo, Alina; Ceban, Alexandru; Olarescu, Zaharia; Cociug, Victoria; Iatisin, Tatiana; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Timofei, OlgaItem Moldovan Economic Trends, no 9 (Q I, 2013)(IEFS, 2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Rojco, Anatolii; Fala, Alexandru; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Clipa, Victoria; Popa, Viorica; Vragaleva, Veronica; Novac, Alexandra; Lucasenco, Eugenia; Gribincea, Corina; Toaca, Zinovia; Gherbovet, SergiuThe Moldovan Economic Trends is a quarterly publication, produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Institute of Economy, Finance and Statistics and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.Item Moldovan Economic Trends, no. 30 (Q II, 2018)(INCE, 2018) Stratan, Alexandru; Ianioglo, Alina; Ceban, Alexandru; Timofei, Olga; Gribincea, Corina; Iatisin, Tatiana; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Olarescu, Zaharia; Toaca, ZinoviaItem Moldovan Economic Trends, no 26 (Q II, 2017)(INCE, 2017) Stratan, Alexandru; Ceban, Alexandru; Olarescu, Zaharia; Timofei, Olga; Cociug, Victoria; Iatisin, Tatiana; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Toaca, Zinovia