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Item Abordări privind diferenţierile sociodemografice ale fertilităţii(INCE, 2015) Grigoras, EcaterinaÎn prezentul articol sunt analizate unele abordări cu privire la studierea diferențierilor sociodemografice ale fertilității. Actualitatea este determinată de delimitarea impactului factorilor sociodemografici, al fiecăruia în parte sau prin diferite combinații în contextul social, economic și cultural diferit, având drept scop identificarea unor răspunsuri privind influența acestui fenomen prin politici sociale. Pentru atingerea acestui scop au fost studiate atât teoriile clasice, cât și cele contemporane ale fertilității, reflectând factorii ce influențează comportamentul reproductiv al populației, declinul fertilității, diferențierile dintre intențiile reproductive și fertilitatea descendentă, dar și posibilitățile de influențare asupra acestui proces demografic.Item Abordări teoretico-metodice de evaluare a unor indicatori de dezvoltare a potenţialului uman(INCE, 2015) Savelieva, GalinaAceastă lucrare reflectă mecanismul de stabilire a abordărilor metodologice pentru evaluarea impactului politicilor socioeconomice de dezvoltare a potenţialului uman bazat pe utilizarea analizei multifactoriale. Cu toate acestea, avand o semnificaţie importantă pentru a asigura securitatea dezvoltării populaţiei, ca o condiţie de dezvoltare stabilă socioeconomică a ţării, au fost determinate mărimile admisibile ale unor indicatori principali de securitate demografică, bazandu-se pe analiza regresională. Scopul principal al acestei lucrări constă în promovarea politicilor demosocioeconomice avansate pentru a asigura dezvoltarea potenţialului uman, luand în considerare previziunile în domeniu. Ţinând cont de rezultatele obţinute, au fost elaborate recomandări cu privire la posibilităţile de utilizare a acestora în practica autorităţilor publice, a căror funcţie este de a dezvolta şi de a promova politici eficiente in domeniuItem Dimensiuni ale politicii familiale din RM in contextul politicilor familiale europene(„Tipografia Centrală”, 2015) Chistruga-Sinchevici, IngaThe article explores the economic and noneconomic family policy of Republic of Moldova. From the assumption that the impact of family policy depends on how it harmonizes with other sectorial policies: demographic policy, health policy, employment policy, labor migration policy, fiscal policy, are analyzed some specific aspects data policies with implications for the family. Priority in Moldova are promoting of measures aimed to improve the living conditions of the family but because of the low amount of benefits offered these not always reach the goal of reducing poverty.Item Experienţa internaţională în domeniul promovării politicilor de ocupare a forţeie muncă în contextul îmbătrânirii demografice(Complexul Editorial, IEFS, 2013) Savelieva, Galina; Taragan, Raisa; Tomceac, AnaThe article was reviewed international experience in promoting employment policies in the context of aging workforce demographic in some EU countries and the CIS. Particular attention was paid to highlighting and analyzing the problems faced by the elderly in the labor market. It was analyzed in the generalized experience of employment, the elderly, as outlined proposals to improve the situation and their use in RM.Item Moldovan Economic Trends, no 12 (Q IV, 2013)(INCE, 2013) Stratan, Alexandru; Lucasenco, Eugenia; Cara, Oleg; Timofei, Olga; Vragaleva, Veronica; Septelici, Viorica; Clipa, Victoria; Gribincea, Corina; Novac, Alexandra; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Toaca, Zinovia; Olarescu, Zaharia; Gagauz, OlgaItem Oportunități de dezvoltare și provocări iminente legate de procesul de îmbatrânire a populației(Foxtrot, 2016) Hrusciov, ElenaIn the article are analysed development opportunities related to demographic ageing process, besides the modification of age structure, ageing brings to changes in socio-economic development of the country, which give new challenges to the society. The research shows that Republic of Moldova is ageing rapidly and our society is not enough ready to cope with this process. Thus, decisive factors should be more interested to promote reforms in the pension system and ensure stability.Item Recensământul populației ca sursă de informații în elaborarea politicilor publice(INCE, 2023) Bargan, NataliaUnderstanding the composition and evolution of the population is crucial for the development of effective public policies in a rapidly changing world. The need for reliable demographic and socioeconomic data persists to tackle modern societal challenges. The Population Census, amidst fast demographic change, is a vital source of statistical data that provides valuable information for governments, researchers and decision-makers. The purpose of this article is to analyze some results of population censuses important for the development of public policies and to estimate the role of the population census as a factual basis for the development and evaluation of state policies, planning and decision-making, leading to the identification of focused and well-adapted solutions to the real needs of the communities and the country. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the main results of the 2004 Population Census and the 2014 Population and Housing Census, and the degree of use of statistical information in the development of public policy documents, such as national strategies and programs. Moreover, the paper presents concrete examples of how census data has been used to develop public policies. The article concludes that the results obtained in population censuses are not fully utilized by public officials and decision-makers responsible for the development and implementation of public policies. Not all policy documents include essential information collected in censuses, including strategies of significant importance. It is noteworthy that the census is one of the most costly national statistical endeavors, providing data that offers a real and comprehensive picture of the entire population at a specific point in time. Recognizing the value of this information is crucial, and there is a need to promote a more efficient use of census results to guide the decisions and actions of policymakers.Item Situația demografică în Republica Moldova și unele țări europene(„Tipografia Centrală”, 2015) Chistruga-Sinchevici, IngaIn this article was analyzed the demographic situation in the 11 countries of South-Eastern and Central Europe (Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). The deep socio-economic changes after ‘89 years have contributed to the outbreak of demographic decline in these countries - low fertility, aging advanced, intense emigration etc.