Browsing by Author "Colesnicova, Tatiana"
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Item Abordările de stress-test în sistemul bancar moldovenesc(INCE, 2014) Perciun, Rodica; Colesnicov, Alexandru; Colesnicova, TatianaThe approaches to the stress-test in the Moldovan banking sector are analyzed in the article. The Moldovan political sovereignty, independence, stability and sustainable economic growth depend from the level of development of the national economy and the stability of the national financial system. The financial stability is an essential component in the work of the monetary authorities to maintain and further development of the banking sector, primarily responsible for the efficient allocation of the resources in the economyItem Abordările statistico-econometrice în evaluarea sărăciei subiective(IEFS, 2012) Colesnicova, TatianaThe concept and methods for measurement of the subjective poverty are analyzed in the paper. It highlights the main statistic and econometric toolkits in themeasurement of subjective poverty. The Leiden’s regression method is described in details.Item Activitatea salarială a populației în sectorul agrar din RM(Tipogr. "Centrografic", 2019) Doga, Valeriu; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Zgadova, NataliaItem Analiza cadrului legislativ al Republicii Moldova privind turismul viti-vinicol(INCE, 2014) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Iatisin, TatianaTourism is an economic sector, competitive and balanced developed, which effectively exploits the country's representative heritage, promotes moldovan hospitality at high standards, ensures leisure diversity of citizens. The main normative acts and development strategies of the wine tourism has been analyzed. Some problems in this domain are relevant.Item Analiza comparativă a indicelui progresului social al Republicii Moldova(Artifex, 2018) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Gutium, MirceaIn the given paper the authors analyzed the Social Progress Index of the Republic of Moldova in comparison with other states, the indicators of influence, as well as the welfare of the population. In addition, the key problems facing the Republic of Moldova on the given land were highlighted, with the purpose of identifying the ways of imposing the socioeconomic growth amongthe citizens.Item Analiza comparativă a ratingului Republicii Moldova în clasamentul mondial privind accesul la fondul locativ prin prisma indicelui dezvoltării sociale(INCE, 2017) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Moscalu, OlgaActualitatea temei constă în faptul că accesul la fondul locativ joacă un rol important în dezvoltarea social-economică a fiecărei țări, inclusiv a Republicii Moldova. Cercetarea dată analizează situația cu accesul la fondul locativ al cetățenilor Republicii Moldova şi situația în diferite țări. Prin urmare, scopul cercetării constă în analiza comparativă a Indicelui Dezvoltării Sociale în anul 2017 în general și anume a rating-ului accesului la fondul locativ. În studiu au fost utilizate următoarele metode de cercetare: monografică, comparaţia, tabelară, grafică, grupării, etc. Ca rezultat al studiului efectuat a fost analizată situația cu accesul la fondul locativ în Republica Moldova. De asemenea, a fost efectuată analiza comparativă pe plan internațional a rating-ului accesului la fondul locativ în Republica Moldova și pe unele țări ale lumii.Item Analiza dezvoltării turismului vitivinicol în lume(INCE, 2014) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Iatisin, TatianaÎn acest articol este redată analiza situaţiei în sectorul viti-vinicol şi turismul viti-vinicol (enotourism) în multe ţări ale lumii. De asemenea, unele cifre ale Indexului al competitivităţii sectorului de Călătorii şi Turism şi opiniile experţilor bine cunoscute în lume din acest domeniu sunt efectuate.Item Analiza și tendințele privind infracţiunea în Republica Moldova(INCE, 2016) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Iatisin, TatianaIn this paper is analyzed Moldova's situation in the field of offences are identified its current trends. The actuality of this research results from the situation of criminality in the Republic of Moldova, especially in such segments as: crimes against life and health of the person, crimes of sexual life, crimes against property, offenses against public health and social coexistence, crimes against family and minors, economic crimes, crimes against public security and public order. The purpose of the paper consists in the analysis of criminality situation in Moldova and in identifying its characteristic trends. In elaboration of this paper were used the following research methods: analysis, grouping, graphs. The following results are obtained: identification and analysis of criminality trends in Moldova in the Second Quarters of past years by different segments.Item Analysis of macroeconomic shocks resistance of moldovan banking secto(ProUniversitaria, 2018) Perciun, Rodica; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Timofei, OlgaBanks and the banking system are the most important financial institutions of any state. Interacting directly with all sectors of national economy, they help to address the main issues of redistribution of funds between individuals and companies, between various branches of national industry and attract investments, etc. In this way the country's economy and the banking sector are closely intertwined. On the one hand, the stability of the banking sector has a key role in ensuring an efficient allocation of financial resources and economic growth, and on the other hand, the evolution of the macroeconomic environment imprints on the state and stability of banking sector. This scientific work aims to determine the impact of macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Moldova on the national banking sector, and based on the interdependence of macroeconomic and banking indicators to analyze how certain variables respond to different sources of shock in the economy.Item Application of the econometric apparatus for estimating some parameters in the field of gender equality on the Moldovan labour market(Performantica, 2019) Naval, Elvira; Colesnicova, TatianaThe main goal of thisarticle is to evaluatethe perception ofgender inequality based on the selected data from the questionnaireon gender problems (latest results), elaborated by the team of the STCU project. From the twenty-eight indicators of this questionnaire there were selected five, namely: the perception of existence of inequality in the workplace, gender, age, the level of educationand the sector of economic activity. Using the obtained data, gender inequality in the workplace has been estimated in the paperwith the fourremaining indicators. As a result, a regression function was defined. The determined regression function was estimated and analyzed.Item Aprecierea accesibilităţii la infrastructura educaţională de către populaţia Republicii Moldova(Artifex, 2023) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, MihailEducation is one of the pillars on which a society is founded. Educational infrastructure is one of the main factors influencing the quality of education. Access to educational infrastructure is a component of population welfare. In order to evaluate how the accessibility of the educational infrastructure is appreciated by the population of the Republic of Moldova, a sociological survey was developed. This article presents some of the results of this survey. The present work was elaborated and financed within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of Science and Innovation Projects of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 State Program Project "Improvement of mechanisms for the application of innovative tools aimed at sustainable growth of the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova". Educația reprezintă unul dintre pilonii pe care se fundamentează o societate. Infrastructura educațională este unul dintre factorii principali care influențează calitatea educației. Accesul la infrastructura educațională este o componentă a bunăstării populației. Pentru a evalua cum este apreciată accesibilitatea la infrastructura educaţională de către populaţia Republicii Moldova a fost elaborat un sondaj sociologic. În acest articol sunt prezentate unele rezultate ale acestui sondaj. Prezenta lucrare a fost elaborată și finanțată în cadrul Proiectului Științific pentru perioada 2020-2023, înregistrat în Registrul de Stat al proiectelor din domeniul științei și inovării al Republicii Moldova cu codul 20.80009.0807.29 Proiect Program de Stat ”Perfecționarea mecanismelor de aplicare a instrumentelor inovaționale orientate spre creșterea durabilă a bunăstării populației Republicii Moldova”.Item Aspectele reglementării juridice în sectorul bancar: experiența internațională(INCE, 2016) Colesnicova, TatianaÎn lucrarea dată este analizată experiența internațională în reglementarea juridică a sectorului bancar. Actualitatea acestei teme de cercetare reiese din realitatea cu care se confruntă întregul sistem financiar-bancar mondial. Scopul lucrării constă în cercetarea situației în sectorul financiar-bancar mondial în baza analizei reglementării juridice a acestui sector. În procesul de elaborare a prezentei lucrări au fost utilizate următoarele metode: analiza comparativă, analiza juridică, sinteza, analiza logică. Sunt prezentate rezultatele celor mai importante iniţiative globale pentru o reglementare mai eficientă a sistemului financiar-bancar mondial: înăsprirea prevederilor Directivei Uniunii Europene „privind piețele instrumentelor financiare” (МiFIDDirective), Legea Dodd-Frank pentru reforma Wall-Street și Legea privind Protecția Consumatorilor, Cerinţele faţă de nivelul de capital potrivit Acordului Basel III și Legea americană privind disciplina fiscală cu privire la proprietarii de conturi din străinătate (FATCA).Item Assessment of the impact of the current system of personal income tax in the Republic of Moldova(2021) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Gutium, TatianaThis paper has been elaborated within the framework of the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of projects in the field of science and innovation of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 Proiect Program de Stat ”Perfecționarea mecanismelor de aplicare a instrumentelor inovaționale orientate spre creșterea durabila a bunastarii populației Republicii Moldova” / Project State Program ”Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative instruments aimed at sustainably increasing the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova”.Item Attitudes of moldovan employees towards some issues concerning the employment by gender in the Republic of Moldova(Performantica, 2020) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, MihailOne the current issues that society is facing and that is acutely perceived is gender discrimination. Besides many countries that have been involved in the fight against this multifaceted phenomenon Republic of Moldova is involved, too. A number of studies have covered various aspects of this phenomenon in the country, but in this paper will be identified the actual perception of gender discrimination of Moldovan employees, the types of gender discrimination that employees from Republic of Moldova face from their own perception and the perceived severity of gender discrimination by gender, facets that were scarcely covered in other studiesItem Challenges to access educational institutions(INCE, 2023) Colesnicova, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Mihail; Savcenco, SilviaThe welfare is heavily influenced by the level of education attained by people. Accessibility may be observed at the country level and also it can be seen at the individual level. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate some characteristics of educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova, mainly from the perspective of the beneficiary. As research methods were used the analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. Used data sources are the statistical data of the National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova and the results of a survey elaborated by the authors. The study's findings reveal an overall drop in the number of institutions, teaching staff and students. However, respondents to the survey rated relatively highly, but not very highly, the teaching staff, the quality of hygienic-sanitary conditions, the quality of teaching, the technical-material basis, and the professional-pedagogical qualities of the staff, but they were less satisfied with the quality of the institution's food products and the living conditions in the dormitory. During the years of study, a significant proportion of respondents stated that they paid additional payments in addition to the contractual ones. This paper was developed and financed within the Scientific Project for the period 2020-2023, registered in the State Register of Science and Innovation Projects of the Republic of Moldova with the code 20.80009.0807.29 State Program Project "Improving the mechanisms for applying innovative tools oriented towards the sustainable growth of the welfare of the population of the Republic of Moldova".Item Comparative analysis of unemployment rates between the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 : challenges and perspectives(IEFS, 2012) Colesnicova, TatianaThe comparable trends of the unemployment rates in the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 during the period 2000- 2011 are analyzed in the paper. The main challenges of this phenomenon and further perspectives for the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 are outlined. The measures for the perfection of the politics for increasing the employment rate and decreasing the unemployment rate in the Republic of Moldova and EU-27 are offered.Item Contribution of information technologies to work organization at the COVID-19 pandemic(Complexul Editorial al INCE, 2020) Colesnicov, Alexandru; Colesnicova, Tatiana; Malahov, LudmilaThe article presents the result of an analysis of existing information technologies for organizing remote workin the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. As an example, we considered table of eight free available features for seven shareware services that provide communication capabilities, namely, conferencing, meetings, education, and monitoring. The necessary contribution from IT, management, and economic science are presented.Item Current situation and prospects of the labour organization in wine and grape industry in the Republic of Moldova(USAMV, 2015) Iatisin, Tatiana; Colesnicova, TatianaThe labour organization development in Wine and Grape Industry in the Republic of Moldova is analyzed in the paper. The paper highlights the main problems of the man power in the Wine and Grape Industry in the country using the statistical data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics and the specific system of indiactors and methodology. The main directions and prospects of labour organization development in this domain are outlined. Investment in human capital will contribute to strengthen the skills, know ledge in general to facilitate in sertion in the viticulture production and wine industry.Item Dezvoltarea forţei de muncă în sectorul vitivinicol a Republicii Moldova(IEFS, 2012) Iatisin, Tatiana; Colesnicova, TatianaÎn acest articol este redată pe scurt analiza sectorului vitivinicol, dezvoltarea forţei de muncă în agricultură, inclusiv din acest sector, a Republicii Moldova. În articol sunt evidenţiate principalele probleme ale forţei de muncă.Sunt enumărate unele recomandări privind dezvoltarea forţei de muncă din sectorul vitivinicol.Item Educational infrastructure grading index as an evaluation tool of higher-educational institutions in the Republic of Moldova(2024) Ciobanu, Mihail; Colesnicova, TatianaThis paper proposes an index of grading for evaluation of educational infrastructure. It is based on the results from a survey regarding the assessment of the accessibility of the population of the Republic of Moldova to the educational infrastructure of higher-educational institutions from the viewpoint of the students. The aspects covered by the survey include: assesment of quality of the sanitary and hygienic conditions in the educational institution, the technical and material base of the institution, the professional-pedagogical qualities of the staff, the quality of food products in the institution (if it offers them, e.g. in the canteen), the living conditions in the dormitory (in the case of accommodation in the institution's dormitory).