Importanţa economică a turismului în Republica Moldova
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Turismul este un sector cheie pentru multe economii naţionale. Republica Moldova, fiind un stat membru al Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste şi fiind caracterizată de o economie centralizat-planificată, in 1991 işi proclamă independenţa şi este nevoită să se adapteze la economia de piaţă. Odată cu proclamarea independenţei şi căderii blocului sovietic, Moldova se vede in faţa unor evenimente care deschid noi oportunităţi politice, economice şi sociale. Majoritatea activităţilor umane, inclusiv turismul, iau o altă intorsătură şi capătă o altă importanţă atat pentru economia naţională, cat şi pentru intreaga societate. Articolul dat are drept scop prezentarea turismului moldovenesc şi a importanţei acestuia pentru economia naţională.
The tourism is a key sector for many national economies. Moldova, as a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was characterized by a centrally-planned economy. In 1991, Moldova proclaims independence and is forced to adapt to a market economy. With the independence and the fall of the Soviet bloc, Moldova deal with events that open new political, economic and social opportunities. The most human activities, tourism without exception, take another turn and get another importance for the national economy and for whole society. This article aims to present the Moldovan tourism and its importance to the national economy.
The tourism is a key sector for many national economies. Moldova, as a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was characterized by a centrally-planned economy. In 1991, Moldova proclaims independence and is forced to adapt to a market economy. With the independence and the fall of the Soviet bloc, Moldova deal with events that open new political, economic and social opportunities. The most human activities, tourism without exception, take another turn and get another importance for the national economy and for whole society. This article aims to present the Moldovan tourism and its importance to the national economy.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 45 (8 titl.). JEL Classification: L83; L89; O10; M29; O52. CZU: 338.48(478).
turism, economie nationala, Republica Moldova, tourism, national economy, Republic of Moldova
BETIVU, Danaia, COLESNIC, Olga. Importanţa economică a turismului în Republica Moldova. In: Analele Institutului Naţional de Cercetări Economice. 2015, nr. 1, pp. 41-45. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.