Regimurile preferenţiale de comerţ : riscuri şi oportunităţi de dezvoltare a comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova


The last decade has been marked by a series of events which ought to facilitate the foreign trade of the Republic of Moldova. The most important are considered to be the R. Moldova’s accession to WTO and the preferential trade regimes that Moldova are benefiting from the main trading partners. But, despite this, the external trade growth trend in this period was determined rather by an accelerated growth in imports than that in exports. In this context a question appears “why in condition of free access in the main export markets for the majority of products, our exports remain so small?” This paper is aimed to analyze the opportunities and the risks that occur from the preferential trade regimes that Republic of Moldova is benefiting from its main trading partners: the European Union countries and the east partners from Commonwealth of Independents States.


Abstract în lb. engl. Bibliogr.: p. 26-27 (12 titl.).


comert exterior, risc, Republica Moldova


STRATAN, Alexandru, CLIPA, Victoria. Regimurile preferenţiale de comerţ : riscuri şi oportunităţi de dezvoltare a comerţului exterior al Republicii Moldova. In: Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu” din Cahul. Seria Ştiinţe Economice. 2011, nr. 1(5), pp. 15-27. ISSN 1857-2723.
