Securitatea alimentară: abordări teoretice, recomandări practice
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În calitate de pilon de importanţă majoră pentru dezvoltarea dinamică şi stabilă a economiei naţionale, securitatea alimentară merită o atenţie deosebită din partea organelor de administrare publică de la toate nivelurile ierarhice. Cu toate acestea, în publicaţiile autohtone, problema securităţii alimentare practic nu este abordată. Deci, temeiul dat a servit ca bază pentru pregătirea articolului. Credem că elaborarea bilanţurilor alimentare, pornite recent de către Biroul Naţional de Statistică, va servi în calitate de ghid practic pentru luarea deciziilor manageriale în ceea ce priveşte asigurarea securităţii alimentare a ţării
As a pillar of major importance for the dynamic development of the national economy stable food security deserves to be enjoying the attention from the public administration bodies of different levels. However in local publications the problems of food security practical are not addressed. What has also served as the basis for preparing the present article. We believe that the development of food balance sheets, recently started by the National Bureau of Statistics, will serve as a practical guide for making management decisions regarding the problems of food security of the country.
As a pillar of major importance for the dynamic development of the national economy stable food security deserves to be enjoying the attention from the public administration bodies of different levels. However in local publications the problems of food security practical are not addressed. What has also served as the basis for preparing the present article. We believe that the development of food balance sheets, recently started by the National Bureau of Statistics, will serve as a practical guide for making management decisions regarding the problems of food security of the country.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 30 (4 titl.). JEL Classification:Q12; Q19; F19; O10; O13; L66. CZU: 338.439.6(478).
securitate alimentara, consum final, gospodarii casnice, cos minim de consum, norme sanitar-veterinare, bilant al produselor alimentare, comert extern, lant valoric, administrare publica, produse fitotehnice, produse zootehnice, food security, final consumption of households, consumption basket, animal health rules, food balance sheets, external commerce, value chain, phytoproducts, livestock products
BAJURA, Tudor, GANDACOVA, Svetlana. Securitatea alimentară: abordări teoretice, recomandări practice. In: Analele Institutului Naţional de Cercetări Economice. 2015, nr. 1, pp. 26-30. ISSN 1857-3630; ISBN 978-9975-4326-6-5.