Oportunităţi de dezvoltare a comerţului agroalimentar la nivel regional
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Scopul lucrării constă în identificarea oportunităţilor de dezvoltare echilibrată a comerţului agroalimentar al Republicii Moldova cu ţările limitrofe. Analiza competitivităţii sectorului a fost efectuată în baza a trei metode fundamentale. Impactul sintezat al ratei de schimb şi al nivelului de investiţii străine a cauzat reducerea semnificativă a avantajelor comparative ale sectorului agroalimentar al Republicii Moldova.
The purpose of the paper is to identify opportunities of abalanced development of agri-food trade between Moldova and the neighboring countries. The competitiveness analysis was performed on the basis of three basic methods. The impact of the exchange rate and of the level of foreign investments caused a significant reduction of the comparative advantages of Moldova’s agri-food sector.
The purpose of the paper is to identify opportunities of abalanced development of agri-food trade between Moldova and the neighboring countries. The competitiveness analysis was performed on the basis of three basic methods. The impact of the exchange rate and of the level of foreign investments caused a significant reduction of the comparative advantages of Moldova’s agri-food sector.
Abstract în lb. rom., engl. Bibliogr.: p. 73 (4 titl.). Text paral.: lb. rom., engl. Recenzent: Anatolii ROJCO, dr., conf. cercet., IEFS.
sector agroalimentar, competitivitate, export, import, agri-food sector, competitiveness, export, import
MOROZ, Victor, IGNAT, Anatolie, LUCAŞENCO, Eugenia. Oportunităţi de dezvoltare a comerţului agroalimentar la nivel regional = Agri-food trade development opportunities at the regional level. In: Economie şi Sociologie. 2011, nr. 2, pp. 68-73. ISSN 1857-4130.